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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

When I was working, I had to take a train and then a shuttle to work.  Many times, on the train, I stood by the door for the entire trip, to avoid all those who were coughing and sneezing.  But, what others have said is true - you are expected to come to work, cold or not.


Now that I am retired, I have not  (fingers crossed)  had one cold!  



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Registered: ‎09-23-2012

@kelsey17 wrote:

At the food store when i go to the checkout i always TRY to see if the checker at the register looks sick....if so i go to another happened to me two days ago...she kept wiping her nose and i just moved to the next aisle..................i don't want all my food items and home products touched by someone ill.....hard to avoid germs when so many items have been handled by someone ill.....

@kelsey17 I agree with everything you said here.  I remember a long time ago I had almost 200 dollars worth of food on the belt when I suddently saw the cashier had a horrible head cold.  She kept blowing her nose and wiping her hands on her pants.  I got so disgusted seeing that in all good faith, I just couldn't pay for the food and take it home.  I had to tell the manager why.  He had to get somebody to put all that food away.  I ended up going to a different grocery store for my shopping.  

Super Contributor
Posts: 474
Registered: ‎02-18-2016

We use to own a Cafe and I would Hate It when I would ask how someone

was, and the person would say,  "I am SO SICK"..... it's like really???
Why are you even out spreading your germs.... no I did not say that,

BUT I sure was thinking it !!!

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

Just went to my neighbor's house.  Her granddaughter answered the door and I could hear my neighbor on the phone.  I yelled in - oh you're sick (cause she could hardly speak).  She said "come on in, I've just lost my voice".  After I get inside and am there about 15 minutes, she tells me she's been sick for two days and has been sent home from work - UGH!  I immediately got up and left.  Why don't people just say "I'm sick, maybe we can get together next week".  Came home and took some zinc and garlic and am praying I don't get sick.