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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

On 12/27/2014 Peachysue said:

Ford, I wish for your daughter the very best!!! Dang that makes me mad what you guys are going through and can't get any help.. Hugs to you!!!!

Ford, one of the girls I worked with many years ago hade Lupus and cystic fibrosis- she worked nearly everyday, dragging her O2 tank yet the state of Georgia wouldn't issue her a handicap placard! Nada/nil/nothing!! How awful is that? So with a lot of complaining to our security department at the hospital, they graciously allowed her to park in a handicap space.. I mean there is so much unfairness towards people that are truly in need... Yeppers people that know how to work the system, it will all come back to haunt them one way or the other..

Hi Peachysue..............I believe exactly what you have told us. I know so!

I had replied to "F" in reference to The System...unfortunately, anddddddddddddd with all the info. it was bounced over to never Q's land. When it can come, having that person giving information as a truth, then showing how the many different situations are abused.

I find this very questionable exactly what can be told or said -?

No, this should have been believed by the family. I have seen and heard for several years the effects of Lyme's. I also DEFINITELY (teaching) when fibromyalgia was- wait.


.......shame on a comm. post. Not to deliver some others' situations. This may could have help emotionally!................

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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

SMH why don't some of you start your own thread about SSDI cheats. Since you are soooo convinced everyone is beating the system.

BTW a HANDICAP placard is authorized by the PCP. You need the doctor's signature, the doctor submits the application to the state.

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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

Moon, my friend was denied over and over and over for a simple handicap placard! I was a witness to how she was done.. I sure didn't make that up and yes there are people that beat the system. My ex friend is NOT disabled but was approved for disability.. I have fibromyalgia and a neurological issue but I am not in any way disabled as compared to people that are and need help badly.
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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

On 12/20/2014 Jova said:

Your daughter may get a decent amount of money from SSDI monthly since she did work 30 years. The fact that she has worked so many years may be viewed very favorably. Even if you do get denied the first time, fight it. That is how I helped a family member win SSDI, we didn't give up because we knew they could absolutely could never work again.

This is a draining process, so be prepared. Be prepared to be denied and have to appeal.

Make sure all your daughter's documentation is filled out accurately.

-> Jova is really on top of this: 30 years of employment is excellent.

Also Jova is correct when she said, 'this is a draining process' ....sometimes.

I ABSOLUTELY DO remember one of the posters, from over 1&1/2 years, that said she had fibromyagia. She told us she [worked] WHILE having fibromyagia for `25 years`.

I never heard of the diagnosis "fibromyagia" until 13 years ago, though.

Doctors never heard of it in many or most states. This poster that received the SSDI .....(I am almost sure that was close enough) retired before the process began. I recall that she saying: 'I believe I was approved because I answered every question exactly what they wanted to hear, in deciding. She answered each question very carefully/ papers included from her doctors. Those papers that were to be filled out had taken many hours.

Usually, not always, the 1st time is denied. I have no idea why but I am speaking for those citizens who have paid into the system, then have become ill due to many maladies and diseases.

To the poster asking about another starting another thread ..what?

This is a community board exchanging ideas with information. What ever happened to the word HONOR?

I've never read a line of poetry as informative as her/his in reference to a PARKING card having to be your property signed by a pcp. This is not about a handicap plastic parking OK. -----------I do see, though, many who have and use them that can run faster than most track stars.

I have no idea what she is referring to concerning this particular situation. But there are those that -YES-! Definitely know how to work the system.


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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

On 12/27/2014 Ford1224 said:
On 12/27/2014 _Not an easy sale said:

Hi Ford,

I definitely wanted to tell you that I ""TRIED"" to find you on the 24th to wish you and your daughter ___________*A Better Year Than Before*.

I am [NOT] on SSI or any disability! But I did read (only) the last 4 entries. That was -almost- enough for me to read by understanding; ref:/ your daughter/Lymes disease, along with the many others' attemp to try to (LEGIT) having someone, especially doctors to understand, not to mention the haaaaaaaah system.

As you may know or may not know.......there are scads of people OUT THERE who are genius in knowing how to work THE system!

Read, heard, KNOW OF, spoken to, investigated profiles of more people than you would be comfortable with knowing about who are no more DISababled than some 22 year old footballplayer making 4-mill a yr, who appears not to be able to to a common high school reading problem.

I'll stop time is up and whoa,,,,,,,,,,it may not be standard info for these "W" people reading. Back to you later.


Getting disability is secondary to us now. Seeing her this past week and how sick she is has been devastating. To be so very ill and not having anyone to turn to, no ER, no medical doctor is going to help her. They will just suggest she go to a mental institution to be treated for severe depression. To be this desperately ill and have no one to turn to is unconscionable. I want to go to the Lyme specialist with her on January 9, and I hope she will let me. Heretofore, she has not wanted anyone to go with her. Even people in the family don't believe her. But I've researched enough (reputable and reliable websites and many discussions from people who are going through this) has put me in tears all day long.

To add to her desperation, it usually costs tens of thousands of dollars to get treatment at a facility like the ones in Arizona that have successfully treated severe Lyme victims. Those hospitals are not cheap and no insurance companies will pay for anything associated with Lyme disease, since it is not recognized as a valid disease. We are not a wealthy family. We could all give all of our income and it wouldn't be enough.

I've got to stop now. It is not right to put this on this BB. But it has taken over all of my thoughts now. I apologize to anyone who is offended by my comments.

Thank you for your warning _naes. We don't have any contacts or know anyone who does. We have no inside track. We just have to hope we have found a doctor who does.

I am sorry for what your daughter is going through, Ford, and you with her. I can only say that dealing with difficult-to-diagnose illness is very challenging, especially when it becomes (as it often does) entwined with depression and anxiety. It is very difficult at that point to tell what symptoms and ailments have mental/emotional causes and what is true physical illness. Some complex, unusual diseases take years to figure out, and mental disorders like severe depression can go along with them and further complicate matters. Please don't dismiss the possibility that depression and mental illness may play an important part in your daughter's illness. It's also possible that she has a complex illness that is not "chronic lyme disease" and that she is being financially victimized by quacks. If she becomes convinced that she has "chronic lyme" when she really has something else, she may not be open to other possibilities and may not get tests and treatment she really needs. I wish her the best.

I have a daughter with significant autoimmune disease, and I know what it is to be a mother concerned about her child's health. It troubles me, though, that this situation "has taken over all your thoughts". I'd suggest that your daughter needs your love and support -- but she also needs you to be as steady, unbiased, and objective as you possibly can. Some of the things you've reported, like your daughter not wanting family members to meet her lyme doctors, are concerning to me. It may be that she is not able to think straight or be objective or to consider other possibiities beyond what she has already convinced herself of......and she doesn't need family members who "go down the rabbit hole" with her. Prayers for wisdom and guidance in this difficult situation.

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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

Ford i didn't read everything and thought help was needed getting SSDI which is what I have and Allsup is a company that helps people get disability. I had worked at the same job for 23 years but in and out of hospitals over the years.I have had lupus since I am 14 and then developed RA and fibro. I have no cartilage basically left on any of my joints,chronic sciatica. My RA is so advanced I was receiving chemo. I never wanted to stop working but sadly had no choice and if anyone thinks living on this measly income is what I wanted,heck no.Many people may want to stay home and sit on the a** and get paid for it,that is not me and I hate what my life has become.I wish your daughter the best,chronic illness is no fun.

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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

Allsup is most definitely an excellent company that assists in obtaining SSDI benefits for disabled people. Awards for SSDI result in back pay from when the disability began. It is not suing anyone.
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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

Binder and Binder. They are the experts in this area. They have grown very large, so you will call an 800 number as a first step. They get results. Some of the sickest people get turned down. I have two very sick friends who were helped. I thought Lyme was a recognized disease. I am shocked to read the post that says it is not.

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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

This is all very interesting and enlightening. I will have my daughter read these posts because her former husband who is fifty two years old has aches and pains and quit his job and believes he will not be able to work again. Hopefully what has been said here will open her eyes. He believes he will be able to receive disability benefits and has no medical records and or anything to back up his story. Maybe after she reads what has been said here she will believe what I have been telling her.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Re: Has anyone had experience with Social Security Disability attorneys?

On 12/27/2014 Peachysue said:

Ford, I wish for your daughter the very best!!! Dang that makes me mad what you guys are going through and can't get any help.. Hugs to you!!!!

Ford, one of the girls I worked with many years ago hade Lupus and cystic fibrosis- she worked nearly everyday, dragging her O2 tank yet the state of Georgia wouldn't issue her a handicap placard! Nada/nil/nothing!! How awful is that? So with a lot of complaining to our security department at the hospital, they graciously allowed her to park in a handicap space.. I mean there is so much unfairness towards people that are truly in need... Yeppers people that know how to work the system, it will all come back to haunt them one way or the other..

now call me confused. The state has nothing to do with issuing a handicap card. A doctor writes a script with your diagnosis on it and signs a form from the DMV stating you can't walk more than 200 ft without sitting down and they issue you the card. It is not the clerk's job to question whether you need one or not. The doctor has written the script and the DMV honors it. I question how many people "steal" grandma's hangtag when she passes away since I see able bodied young people jump out of trucks and sprint into stores.

ETA: sorry, I see someone else brought this up already. As for the person who talked about your daughter working 30 years, don't any of you receive annual statements from Social Security with your earnings and points you have accumulated over a lifetime? That statement clearly tells you what you would receive at 62, 65, and what you would get in disability benefits. that last number is usually more than your SS benefits when you retire which is why many people today try to scam the government into collecting disability. I posted earlier about what the government looks for in medical records to assist them in making a decision. I guess that post fell by the wayside. IT'S ALL ABOUT WHAT IS IN THE MEDICAL RECORDS REGARDLESS OF ATTORNEYS OR NOT, THEY CANNOT FALSIFY WHAT IS WRITTEN BY DOCTORS.

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.