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Posts: 114
Registered: ‎08-29-2010

I understand that it is hard for your loved ones or friends to understand, There looking at a different person. I would love to send you all the values that the Fibro/fatigue clinic gave me with my lab results, because at my local MD all labs were normal but not when I went to this specialist, they took 30 tubes of blood and ran every test imagined by man. My thyroid was low, my hormones were low, my CBC was out of wack I cried when I saw all what was wrong but happy that finally found a diagnosis. Every day is a challenge, read as much as you can about the illness, I even have a pamphlet that show the key points of pain and a questionare with just that they nailed it down immediately. Just a couple other suggestions if you consume a lot of sodas with caffeine stop, decrease sugar intact, watch foods with msg that come in prepackaged foods. I have dropped out caffeine from my diet and have lost 19 pounds in 4 months, that aching has decreased some now the food intact is my next task. There are so many issues that your head just gets so confused, I really suffer from brain fog and stress is such a killer. I will help you any way that I can, I would love a thread for use suffers, just a place to vent and share our history and what works. Also I know people talked about magnesium, this is very helpful if you have restless leg syndrome, but make sure to take the right mag, I also give my self vitamin B12 shots, and they do give a person a boost of energy. Try to do as many helpful things with supplements. I take vit b12 each day, cq10, vit D, a good menopausal vitamin, Gluscomine, magnesium, thyroid med, cortisol and have been trying prescription savella, pain med, and anxiety med.

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎05-11-2010
On 2/18/2014 sneef said:

I can totally relate, about 17 years ago I was energy, burned the candle at both ends, then one day I was exhausted, went threw massive tests could fall asleep or felt so spaced out. MD thought I had narcolepsy, I had to quit my high sale job and I slept literally 6 months straight, constantly exhausted, ached all over ( I even swear my hair hurt), gain 70lbs. I had went to multiply MD until one day a MD diagnosied me with Fibromylgia and chronic fatigue, I was so excited to finally find out what was wrong, then the bad news came, there was no cure but he started me on Lyrica but of course with meds come side effects extreme weight gain, brain fog, no energy and had to keep going up in dosage. I lost my Mother and she had left me some funds, so I took my self to Atlanta to the Fibro/chronic fatigue center and of course Insurance would not pay, almost every lab result came back abnormal per there values, I went on multiply supplements which were very expensive, but MD started me on a thyroid compound and cortisol, Pain medication and anxiety med that when I sleep I don't move. When I came home to ND I then struggled to find a MD to follow my case and believed in the disease. That is where it is frustrating, but MD I now have lets me take the meds Altanta doctor recommended. I cant say life is great, I work full time as a nurse and on my days off I am exhausted and rest to rebuild for next work days. Every day is a challenge and some of the smallest tasks are major. Just from your description of how you feel I would bet any amount of money that you have Fibro/Chronic Fatigue. My prayers are with you and I hope you find a diagnosis and a MD that can help.

Like you, I could easily have written the ops post. I have fibro and chronic fatigue. Gained weight from meds which makes it worse. Don't know how you can work. My last aysos work. I used toco who e and go straight to bed. It is such an awful thing. Plus nobody understands unless they have it, my prayers are with you and op! Aloha renee