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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

@cherry wrote:

I just got off the phone with my sister, who  called to tell me she needs a lumpectomy. She has a mass in her breast that needs to be removed asap.


She was naturally very upset , and it talking about having her entire  breast removed. I didn't know what to tell her, except that  I am sure she will be monitored  very closely.



  I don't know enough about this  condition to be  of much use.  Is it usual to remove someone's entire  breast, when the lump isn't cancerous, even if you are at high risk?


Cherry, she already had a biopsy? If the lump is benign then it is just a precaution to remove it. Was it a fibroadenoma? Sometimes they can in rare cases change and it is advised to remove them. However, I am not sure why if she knows it is benign the thought of radical surgery has entered her mind....

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

@Trinity11 wrote:

@cherry wrote:

I just got off the phone with my sister, who  called to tell me she needs a lumpectomy. She has a mass in her breast that needs to be removed asap.


She was naturally very upset , and it talking about having her entire  breast removed. I didn't know what to tell her, except that  I am sure she will be monitored  very closely.



  I don't know enough about this  condition to be  of much use.  Is it usual to remove someone's entire  breast, when the lump isn't cancerous, even if you are at high risk?


Cherry, she already had a biopsy? If the lump is benign then it is just a precaution to remove it. Was it a fibroadenoma? Sometimes they can in rare cases change and it is advised to remove them. However, I am not sure why if she knows it is benign the thought of radical surgery has entered her mind....

Yes she has. I think she is just panicky. I don't remember what she told me it was. I haven't had a chance to talk to her since.

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

[ Edited ]

@wagirl wrote:

sidsmom---ARE YOU KIDDING????????? How in the world can you say what you said? Do you have a history with cancer yourself or with family and friends.? To say  to forget cancer is the most insulting thing I have heard yet!!!! I HAD breast cancer and all the chemo and surgery and rads and drs and I am alive and  kicking and doing extremely well almost 5 years later. I wouldn't trade any of my medical team for all the gold in the world. They saved my life!!!! I did my homework and was lucky enough to be living close to one of the best cancer centers/hospitals on the west coast. I had a huge team of professionals I was able to rely on for the best treatments for me. And yes, there is an unsurmountable sense of fear when cancer is in the picture. and yes, advancements are being made everyday, thank God. I hope you NEVER have to deal with cancer but  you need to apologize for your post!!!!!!!! You are being very dismissive and insensitive.

@wagirl I am here more than 30 years later because of conventional methods used for breast cancer. You and me are survivors and I highly doubt we would be enjoying this holiday season without treatment. Yes, I thank God everyday for the wonderful professionals who saved my life.

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

I do recall something she told me. When they did the biopsy, they marked the area with a bit of titanium. I guess to help them, when they do the lumpectomy. I wish she would answer her cell ,so I could get more information

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

@cherry wrote:

I do recall something she told me. When they did the biopsy, they marked the area with a bit of titanium. I guess to help them, when they do the lumpectomy. I wish she would answer her cell ,so I could get more information

I had this done as well; it's called a clip. It's to be able to accurately find the tumor again during the surgery.

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

[ Edited ]

My sister just called me back. She said her tumour is pre-cancerous . It's called intraductal papilloma not sure I spelled it right.

She had a hard time getting an apointment with the surgeon,because so many women have breast cancer. They told her it is one in six


She is going to see the  surgeon  Jan 12. They know her tumour lies deep within her breast


She is calmer today. She talked to her sil who had this done some years back

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

There was a segment on the national news this week. Removing the breast vs. a lumpectomy makes no difference on the recurrence or outcome according to the latest statistics. Please help yout sister get the correct information. When faced with cancer it can be overwhelming emotionally and you need someone you can trust to help you filter the medical information.

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

[ Edited ]

There are many people on this forum who are wise women and survivors but there are some people that are wrong, have weird ideas or just have anti medical ideas and think holistic medicine is the answer; some answers I've seen are just outlandish. 


Breast cancer is one of the cancers with good outcomes and long term survival rates because of research and clinical trials.  


All oncologists usually are specialized and your sister should continue with the oncologist if he/she specializes in breast.  I see one and have never had breast cancer but I've had lumps through the years and by virtue of that am high risk and so is your sister. 


Don't seek advice for a complex matter such as breast cancer on a shopping forum.  Go with your sister for appointments because once a person hears "cancer" or "lump" they miss most of the conversation.  If you are not near, a good breast oncologist will have no problem doing a conference call with family or even skype.  I did that with my sister's specialist.  Every lump is different, every patient and history are different and there is not a one size fits all answer.  But, there are protocols for each diagnosis based n clinical trials and patient data to cancer centers.  Have your sister prepare her questions/concerns before her appointment and write down the answers.  


These specialsts are devoted to finding cures and therapies and it's not about dollars and cents for them....yes, care can be expensive but you can't put a price on a life....

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Re: Do you know anything about being at high risk for breast cancer?

As a 7 year survivor myself, the best advice i can give is for your sister to be comfortable with the surgeon she chooses. Treatments and protocols are pretty standardized for the differents forms and degrees of breast cancer these days and most surgeons are on top of the most recent developments and studies. Your sister needs to trust whomever she chooses.


i was given the option of a lumpectomy over a mastectomy and chose that, although i needed 2 revisions after the initial surgery to  get clear margins. i did not need chemo but had a course of radiation and then medication.


This diagnosis is terrifying and changes you, but your sister will be joining a group of fighters who can provide a strong support system for whatever she might need. In the beginning its just one foot in front of the other for as long as it takes.



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