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Re: Diabetics, please comment re: vitamin D3

On 5/16/2014 RedTop said:

My husband is disabled from severe neuropathy in his feet and legs; this is a permanent condition, as the nerves are permanently damaged from his diabetes. He takes the maximum dosage allowed daily on his Gabapentin, with very little affect on the numbness and tingling. Pain medication will be the next step for him. My husband takes vitamins B12 and D3 because he is deficient, but notices no physical difference with these supplements. The only benefit is in his lab numbers.

I have ridden the diabetic roller coaster with my husband for 18 years, and I am being pro-active with treatment for my "pre-diabetic" condition. We only listen to our physicians, and are not swayed by other reports. Everything you put into your mouth affects your diabetes, liver and kidneys; therefore I suggest you discuss this with your own physician before you convince yourself it is the right thing to do.

Please let your husband know I'm sorry about his pain. I have had it for 2 years and its terrible. I see my doctor next week, I let her know what I'm taking~ Thanks!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
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Re: Diabetics, please comment re: vitamin D3

On 5/16/2014 JannyRee said:

A good resource for questions like this is your pharmacist.

I just had a consultation with a pharmacist through the local Diabetes Support group. I gave him a list of all prescriptions and supplements I take prior to my appointment and he was able to tell me if any of it was not working well together. Plus good information about where to store meds, when to take it, etc.

Janny, I love my pharmacist. Last year when I stopped the metformin, I was afraid of just going on the insulin. She walked me through it and was so supportive.She also gave me a ton of insulin syringes..I was able to get more last month. She's been an angel!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
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Re: Diabetics, please comment re: vitamin D3

On 5/16/2014 Rabbit said:

I am diabetic & my doctor recommended I take D-3. I do not have any neuropathy pain that I am aware of.

Thats great news!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
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Re: Diabetics, please comment re: vitamin D3

......I should ask your endocrinologist what he or she thinks of this. Not ladies who shop.

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Re: Diabetics, please comment re: vitamin D3

On 5/16/2014 emmiesmom said:
On 5/16/2014 serenity4ever said: Hi! I read that Mercola is on Quackwatch...I guess you could say I tread lightly regarding his advice. I would never take a vitamin unless my lab reports showed I was deficient. I take 2000 units of D because I am deficient and it was physician prescribed. I only have neuropathy when after a period of poor control, I start lowering my blood sugar. The nerves fire and for a few weeks, I do suffer. Once I gain control for a few months, the neuropathy completely goes away.

serenity, I am going to increase my vitamin D to 2000 units or so, everything I have read this morning suggested a higher dose then I'm taking, 400 units. Andrew Lessman does as well and I have had good results with his vitamins. I am SO glad you got your neuropathy under control, that gives me hope!Smile I see my doctor on Monday and will ask that she include the D in my labs. You're so helpful to me, a Godsend really!!{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Emmiesmom, do nothing until your endocrinologist runs blood work proving that you are deficient in Vitamin D. Run it by her first before you take extra Vitamin D and let her do the prescribing. An excess of any vitamin can actually be toxic and do more harm than good.

One thing to always remember is that you will come across all sorts of health gurus telling people what they can do for their diabetes. The only one really that you should listen to is your own personal physician.

Anecdotal information about diabetes is fine for sharing but NEVER change your course of treatment because someone anyone, including myself does something that "sounds" good. It may be good for us but very lethal for you.

Good luck on Monday! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: Diabetics, please comment re: vitamin D3

On 5/16/2014 serenity4ever said:
On 5/16/2014 emmiesmom said:
On 5/16/2014 serenity4ever said: Hi! I read that Mercola is on Quackwatch...I guess you could say I tread lightly regarding his advice. I would never take a vitamin unless my lab reports showed I was deficient. I take 2000 units of D because I am deficient and it was physician prescribed. I only have neuropathy when after a period of poor control, I start lowering my blood sugar. The nerves fire and for a few weeks, I do suffer. Once I gain control for a few months, the neuropathy completely goes away.

serenity, I am going to increase my vitamin D to 2000 units or so, everything I have read this morning suggested a higher dose then I'm taking, 400 units. Andrew Lessman does as well and I have had good results with his vitamins. I am SO glad you got your neuropathy under control, that gives me hope!Smile I see my doctor on Monday and will ask that she include the D in my labs. You're so helpful to me, a Godsend really!!{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Emmiesmom, do nothing until your endocrinologist runs blood work proving that you are deficient in Vitamin D. Run it by her first before you take extra Vitamin D and let her do the prescribing. An excess of any vitamin can actually be toxic and do more harm than good.

One thing to always remember is that you will come across all sorts of health gurus telling people what they can do for their diabetes. The only one really that you should listen to is your own personal physician.

Anecdotal information about diabetes is fine for sharing but NEVER change your course of treatment because someone anyone, including myself does something that "sounds" good. It may be good for us but very lethal for you.

Good luck on Monday! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

Thanks, I'll be in touch!Wink

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West