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Thanks for even opening this one! Last time I had a Flex Sig that was about 7 years ago...

So I am acquainted with drinking the liquid, and only clear liquids the day before...

BUT...this time, they say that 48 hours before, which will be Saturday ( a day usually devoted to food for me! LOL!) I must not eat any vegetables, nuts or fruit...

I guess I am wondering what I CAN eat? cheese ravioli, no tomato sauce? Grilled cheese sandwiches? Grits? eggs?Oatmeal? rice?

and why no RED juice or Jello the day before? does the dye mimic blood?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions....

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I have never had the test....refused...don't want to go through all that prep....but I do believe the red foods would confuse the test with blood....

Good Luck....

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I don't wanna be gross, but I imagine you should not eat anything that is ruffage and that might stick and not pass 100%. Red coloring might not pass completely and could look like blood. Good luck to you getting clean as a whistle .
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On 3/20/2015 circles said:

I have never had the test....refused...don't want to go through all that prep....but I do believe the red foods would confuse the test with blood....

Good Luck....

I tried to have the test, and I drank that horrible stuff and nothing came out. They couldn't even do the colonoscopy. I was constipated for weeks. I ended up in the Emergency Room due to being so constipated. The prep was NOT good. It was a mess. I still haven't tried to retake it due to all the issues I had with that prep.

My Dr. recommended I do it again, of course. I haven't. If I do, I'll have to not eat any ruffage, per my Dr. for 3 days. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, and he said since my diet consisted of so many veggies, etc., I'd have to drink liquids for 3 days to make sure I was cleared out.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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When I have colonoscopies I eat absolutely nothing the day before - and only scrambled eggs, bouillon or jello (not red) 2 days prior. I want 'the view' to be as clear as possible, it's such an important life saving test.

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it is so much easier to have a small polyp removed than a large tumor . The prep is the hardest part. Just pretend you are a movie star on a fancy new 'cleanse' Actually I have always felt better after the fasting , and especially after the doctor says all clear! go home.

I have watched a loved one die from an inoperable tumor. Believe me testing is a better idea. After a certain age we all need to get 'our b-u-t-t-s to the Dr. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Registered: ‎01-30-2015

Thanks! I am certainly not afraid of the test,and I am very glad I am taking it- watching someone die that way and watching my young neice living with a colostomy are motivation! I remember when they gave me the test for Gilberts syndrome I had to fast for 48 hours and I lived through that...

I was just looking for suggestions, what I could eat on Saturday- I know Sunday i cant eat anything but clear liquids..

I think fasting WILL make me feel good in the long run...

Hey, I bet I can have a Root beer float on Saturday, huh? now THAt is something to look forward to!

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Holy cow ladies, this test is a MUST HAVE for EVERYONE! And let me also say that if you have a Dr who even suggests a sigmoidoscopy you are wasting your time and the Dr is wasting your money for this test and doing nothing for you. You must have a real colonoscopy to check the entire tract.

So here's the prep you need - buy the 8.4 oz of Mirolax and 2 32 oz Gatorades that are NOT red, purple, blue. Choose the ones that are clear or the frost that's just that, a frosty color. Best thing is to schedule your test early in the morning so that you can do the prep starting at mid/late afternoon to be totally done/cleaned out by bedtime to get a good night's sleep and ready for the first thing next morning. THEN you can enjoy a good breakfast after you're finished. This test takes only about 20-30 minutes, quick, EASY, and complete. You'll know your results immediately afterwards too.

All this is is like a clean-out detox and you'll feel so much better too. Don't do that Go-Lightly drink, no one uses this stuff anymore. Buy the Mirolax and be done. You don't need to start with the ducolax pills before either, just not necessary. It may take 2-4 hours to get going but once you start, you'll be done within a couple of hours. BOOM - DONE and ready for one of THE MOST IMPORTANT tests you'll ever do for yourself, your health.

Nothing to this, trust me. I've had two done, my husband once. His once literally saved his life because his Dr found he had a cancerous tumor in his rectum. 22 months later, he is cancer free all because he had a colonoscopy. Let me also say that when he did his 2nd one, his surgeon found him to be TOTALLY cancer free. We thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY. Our surgeon did his job well.

DO THIS TEST, get it done, be healthy and cancer free. To not get this test done means you're hiding your head in the sand. You do not want to live like this.

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Prepping is awful but the test does save lives. As others have said, you can't eat anything red because it might look like blood inside your intestine.

A scary thing happened to my sister just three weeks ago. She was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer even though she had a colonoscopy 9 years ago and it was clean. They say you can go ten years between if your results come out good. Hers did and look what happened, it's scary. She is doing chemo and her prognosis is good.

Hang in there. Oh, I forgot, I don't have any suggestions on what to eat but I would guess you could eat anything that passes through your body quickly. I'm due to have one soon too.

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Ms Ibb knows what she's talking about with your diet 2 days prior to, and the day before. EASY PEASY!!!