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Registered: ‎09-27-2011
Anyone have this done? I've been getting by with cortisone shots, but my hand is worse than ever and very numb. I have an appt. Monday with the hand surgeon, but wondered about actual recovery time. I can't afford to be out of work, and everything I've read points to a lengthy recovery, even when it's done arthroscopically.
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Registered: ‎03-13-2011
Go to a surgeon that has done a "HAND FOLLOWSHIP" and is a member of American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Trust his advice and let the expert answer your questions rather than relying on board messages. If you are having a hard time after surgery, be sure and ask for a referral to a certified hand therapist. Wishing you all the best!
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Kerri, did you mean a "Hand Fellowship?"

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I just had carpal tunnel surgery done on my left hand 5 weeks ago. Recovery time is not that long at all. My doc (orthopedic surgeon who specializes in hands/arms/shoulder) told me recovery was quick at 4-6 weeks (I went back to work after 2 weeks). In fact, he wanted me to get the hand surgery done first before I go for rotator cuff surgery later this month (the latter IS a longer recovery & rehab).

Recovery & return time will depend on the type of work you do on your job (desk job? or labor intensive like carrying or lifting?), and also might depend if surgery is done on your dominant hand or not too.

Of course, you should consult with your surgeon first above all, since each case of carpal tunnel may differ from one patient to the next. YMMV.

P.S. It really wasn't that bad of a surgery to be quite honest with you, and I can't believe how fast the wound healed too. Don't suffer for that much longer and let it get any worse, because then you can develop permanent nerve damage and THAT is irreversible, no surgery can fix it when it gets to that point!


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I had both hands done. Not a long recovery. I also had to have both hands "rebuilt" due to arthritis.. Pin put in, etc. Long recovery. Carpal tunnel is a breeze. I have had implants in both feet and 3 back surgeries, carpal tunnel is easy.

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Registered: ‎09-27-2011
Thanks, ladies, I am a paralegal, so my work is computer intensive. Two weeks I could handle, 4-6 not so much. DH is ramping up on a new job, is this is not a great time for this to happen. I'll find out Monday, thanks for the feedback!
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Registered: ‎11-19-2011
Had to have both hands done. After each one, 2 weeks and I was back to work as a nurse.
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Can't you apply for disability while out of work? Check with your HR dept.

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Registered: ‎04-05-2010

Have had carpal tunnel release surgery on both hands - 1 month apart. I am a jewelry artist - intensive hand work, but not as repetitive as computer work. I was back working using jewelry tools the day after my surgery. Definitely get physical therapy so you can learn post-op exercises so you can keep from having to have the surgery again. Don't be afraid of the surgery - easiest surgery I've had done and the relief was instant.

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On 7/5/2014 lizzief said: Thanks, ladies, I am a paralegal, so my work is computer intensive. Two weeks I could handle, 4-6 not so much. DH is ramping up on a new job, is this is not a great time for this to happen. I'll find out Monday, thanks for the feedback!

OT a bit lizzief, but be sure to look into the "split" (ergonomic) keyboards. I've been using one since 2000, and wouldn't be able to manage without it. I'm sure one would help with your recovery.

What worries you masters you.