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Re: Body Miller ~ International crybaby

Never liked him -- he always seemed like he thought he was a gift to the world

I also agree with others that there were about 39 skiers going down that course and about 14 of them fell or didn't finish (Bode being one of them). So how is it that 25 made it down the mountain??

BTW, here is his comment when his girlfriend (Sara McKenna who now lives in New York) asked him to come to the ultrasound appointment (bolding and underscoring is mine).

"...McKenna later released a text she sent to Miller after asking him to join her at an ultrasound appointment. He refused to go and wrote: 'U made this choice against my wish'..."

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Re: Body Miller ~ International crybaby

Cold as ice!

He lost his brother, people! And there are a lot of emotions in competitions. Give him a break. ...unless, of course, you would not cry over the death of a spouse or close loved one.

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Re: Body Miller ~ International crybaby

On 2/15/2014 KYToby said:

I will be interested in the opinion after the OP and the other critics ski the same course with the same conditions and do a better job. Until then, it is nothing but armchair quarterbacking, judgmentalism, and gossip.

Bravo !!!!! A very true and refreshing comment !!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Registered: ‎09-14-2013

Re: Body Miller ~ International crybaby

On 2/16/2014 Predsfan said:

Re: Bode

The guy who for years and years insisted results don't mean much to him declared he actually did care about this one. The last year has been a difficult one for Miller: the death of his younger brother, Chelone, in April 2013; the court fight over custody of his infant son; the work it took to come back from left knee surgery and return to the Alpine apex.

''It's almost therapeutic for me to be in these situations, where I really had to test myself, so I was happy to have it be on the right side of the hundredths,'' said Miller, who grew up in New Hampshire and is now based in California. ''Some days ... medals don't matter, and today was one of the ones where it does.''

He wiped away tears in the finish area after someone mentioned Chelone, a charismatic snowboarder who was 29 and hoping to make the U.S. team in Sochi when he died of what was believed to be a seizure.

''Everything felt pretty raw and pretty connected,'' Miller said, ''so it was a lot for me.''

Weibrecht couldn't help but be moved by his own journey, calling Sunday ''probably the most emotional day of ski racing that I've ever had.''

Bears repeating.

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Re: Body Miller ~ International crybaby

If you are going to pick him apart, at least spell his name correctly - Bode. You can like him or not but he has been an amazing athlete for many years and provided many exciting, exhilirating moments for fans of ski racing. He has gone through some very good times and some very difficult times. Too bad he has to do it on a very public level which most of us would never imagine having to deal with. Put yourself in his shoes for a few hours and then decide whether or not you want to criticize him. Personally, I would not choose to trade places with him in spite of all of the glory.

“Do not think only of your own joy, but vow to save all beings from suffering.”
Dalai Lama