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In my early 30’s had several D&C’s for fibroids that caused severe bleeding.  Since my mom had had uterine cancer, I took the full hysterectomy option.  Honestly, I never felt better !   Wisest choice for me even though I have been on thyroid medication and became lactose intolerant.


May Be that the latter two conditions had nothing to do with the surgery aftermath.  At 73, I am fine.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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I ended up with a hysterectomy due to fibroids and bleeding and it was the best decision ever.  After a full year of bleeding, ultrasounds, D&C, and cauterization, it was the only option.  Post-op the doc said my fibroids had fibroids on them and some of the blood vessels were the diameter of her little finger.  None of this was visible on the ultrasounds and surprised the doc.  

Each of us is different.  I made the right decision for me and I wish you wisdom making the right decision for you.  

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I had one huge fibroid; I had  hysterectomy when I was 39.  I already had 2 children, did not want any more and it's doubtful that I could have carried one to term with the fibroid anyway.  I couldn't take the constant pain and hemorrhaging any longer.  My only regret was that I waited so long.  

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When I was 37 I had to have a hysterectomy due to hemmoraging fibroid. It actually was on the wall of my ******,as well as on my uterus. Because it was benign and just a fibroid they did not have to do the major disfiguring surgery they have to do for vaginal cancers, but it did require a hysterectomy.

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I was in my late thirties with fibroids. My Doctor said it’s up to you. How much pain you want to live with. At the time I had a cousin who was a surgeon. He said a complete hysterectomy. Take everything. Said it was safer. I had two close friends that didn’t have the ovaries removed. Both died of ovarian cancer. Please get a second opinion. Then you will know for sure.

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@MalteseMomma wrote:



i understood they go away on their own.i really do not know,but I did hear that from a Dr.


They don't go away.  The medical thought is that they shrink once a woman stops menstruating.  

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For most of my late 30's & early 40's, my periods were quite regular, but so heavy that I could go thru a super absorbent tampon in 45 minutes & had to wear a panty liner, just in case & my periods were always 7 days. 


My PCP had been treating me & finally I switched drs. & got a female internist, who referred me to a gyno.  He did an unltrasound & said he saw fibroids & told me, that he'd give me a choice of either having a hysterectomy or I could wait until menopause (I was 43 at this point) & that the fibroids would likely shrink on their own, but he scheduled me for a hysteroscopy & D&C just to be on the safe side. 


Had the hysteroscopy & the gyno called me that night to tell me the pathology report had come back with cancerous cells present & at that point, the option of waiting the fibroids out was off the table & I needed to have a hysterectomy ASAP. 


He couldn't tell how extensive the cancer was, but thought it was early because nothing had been visible during the hysteroscopy. 


I had the hysterectomy & there was a gynocological oncologist present & he thought the cancer was confined to just the lining of my uterus & hadn't gone into the muscle wall yet, but said to wait until the pathology report to tell me if I'd need to have chemo or radiation as a followup. 


Thankfully, it was caught extremely early with no lymph node involvement & I didn't have to have any further treatments & just had to have testing done every 3 mos, then, every 6 mos until 5 years out & then, went back to having routine yearly exams again. 


The hysterectomy was done 25 years ago this month & thankfully, I've had no recurrence.  I have all of my routine "girly" stuff done religiously since then, including colonoscopies, since my PCP said having had uterine cancer makes me more prone to the possiblity of colon cancer.

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I had a massive fibroid that required a complete hysterectomy a few years ago.    I never had bleeding though.    

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I had horrible fibroids all my life, finally had a D&C, a year later I was pregnant.

I used to tease the doctor that it was his baby, if I hadn't had the D&C, I would have never had her.


A partial hysterectomy does not involve an outside incision.   it's done through the v a g i n a.


Both the options are not severe, but I know I'd sleep better at night.


Better now when you are in relatively good health, instead of later.

Just saying.   



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A partial hysterectomy is removal of the uterus only- leaving the ovaries. It can be done either vaginally or thru an abdominal incision.