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Posts: 587
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Another Blood Pressure Med Question

For those of you that take multiple meds to control your blood pressure, do you take them all at once or one in the morning and another at bedtime? Being that I'm so sensitive to meds, I thought maybe I'd do better that way. Also, I take a Metformin at lunch; so, this way I'd not be loading up at one time. Dr. said either but I thought I'd like some feedback from those of you that have experience with this.

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Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: Another Blood Pressure Med Question

All 3 meds together at bedtime, as blood pressure is most likely to rise overnight. I also take my statin then as well. Plus, I take many other meds at different times of the day & evening. Smiley Wink

BTW, I started on my very first HBP med at 19 & I'm 50 now, so I have loads of experience heh-heh.

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Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: Another Blood Pressure Med Question

On 12/31/2013 laydee said:

I'm on Metformin as well and other meds. I just spread it out. I take some in the AM and mid-afternoon.

Years ago I tried the natural herbs and supplements and I will not go that route again because it doesn't work. I will not risk not taking the meds my doctor prescribed either because having high blood pressure is serious. My Dad passed away two weeks ago from it.

My sympathies... My own dad passed at age 49 from it as well, from a massive stroke at 47 whose complications lasted another two years.

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Posts: 587
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Another Blood Pressure Med Question

I'm really appreciating all the info, advice and sharing. It's helped me to sort things out and get a better handle on things. For what it's worth, my original post was never meant to be a substitute for your doctor's care or professional advice but I think there's a lot to be said for our personal experiences and knowing our own bodies and sharing our experiences with others. I definitely feel there's a place for both.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Another Blood Pressure Med Question

If any of you are having trouble with medications for high blood pressure and/ or elevated blood pressure, please be sure that you and your doctor have done everything possible to improve your numbers with lifestyle changes as well as the medications. If the meds that you and your MD have tried have made you want to jump off a cliff, you may be able to reduce med use if you are willing to make alterations, possibly drastic ones, in what you eat and how you move. When I realized there were no alternatives but drastic changes, I changed, and it worked for me. We ALL deserve in this life to give it the very best shot you can.