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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

@Suz585 And.......the other thing that my friends have been discussing is whether or not they think I should tip Chaz. This will show you how diverse their opinions are:


"Of course she should tip him, if he does a good job!" "But why should she tip him if he owns the salon?" "Does he care if she tips him since he presumably has a lot of money?" "Wouldn't it be a slap in the face if she doesn't tip him?"


It's like I'm not even in the room when they are discussing this; like I'm invisible! LOL! The other day they were doing a similar thing, back and forth, with their opinions of having my hair colored; then another day on whether or not I should let it grow really, really long. General concensus on both was a resounding NO! ha!


As you can tell, I have friends who don't mind voicing their opinions; that's why I love them! They get all caught up in the simplest things. ha! After I have this all done and over next month, they will be on to another topic/person, with just as much passion in their ideas and opinions. LOL!

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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

When I lived in the DC area and visited higher end salons, we're talking about $200 plus haircuts, Master stylists often requested not to be tipped but other stylists in the salon that weren't masters, you tipped. Its very confusing. Think if they're charging $300 plus, its common you don't have too tip, especially if its a celeb stylist but still that particular salon may have different polices. Best thing to do is ask, the front desk people will let you know what is proper for that salon. Chaz seems like the type that would treat you the same no matter what, if you tipped or not. 

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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

@segrl21 @World Traveler I was very concerned over to tip or not to tip. I pooled my friends, asking if you tip a salon owner (saying it was a Facebook question). Most said no, or tip what you can, not necessarily 20 %. I was determined not to tip. I discussed this with my DH. He said, "well if you want to go back someday, don't you think you should tip? Leave the salon happy and everyone happy with you?" I tried to reason with him about ettiquite and salon ownership, but he simply pointed out, you tip on a service provided in which you are happy with. So I went into the appointment not sure what I was going to do, but leaning towards not tipping the salon owner, but tipping anyone who helped him. After the appointment, you go into the retail store to pay for your services. So Chaz isn't there, the assistants aren't there. It's you and the receptionist. She offers small envelopes in which you can designate to whom it goes and how much you put in it. No pressure. In the end, I was extremely happy with my hair and the total charge was less than I expected, so I tipped 20% divided between Chaz and the assistant who helped him and I am looking forward to going back next year!!!

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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

@Suz585 wrote:

@segrl21 @World Traveler I was very concerned over to tip or not to tip. I pooled my friends, asking if you tip a salon owner (saying it was a Facebook question). Most said no, or tip what you can, not necessarily 20 %. I was determined not to tip. I discussed this with my DH. He said, "well if you want to go back someday, don't you think you should tip? Leave the salon happy and everyone happy with you?" I tried to reason with him about ettiquite and salon ownership, but he simply pointed out, you tip on a service provided in which you are happy with. So I went into the appointment not sure what I was going to do, but leaning towards not tipping the salon owner, but tipping anyone who helped him. After the appointment, you go into the retail store to pay for your services. So Chaz isn't there, the assistants aren't there. It's you and the receptionist. She offers small envelopes in which you can designate to whom it goes and how much you put in it. No pressure. In the end, I was extremely happy with my hair and the total charge was less than I expected, so I tipped 20% divided between Chaz and the assistant who helped him and I am looking forward to going back next year!!!

@Suz585 Thanks for letting us all in on your decision. Including the assistants was undoubtedly a wonderful thing for you to do. Your solution seems very appropriate, and you DID look tremendous in those final photos! 


My friends and I all differ, so when we go out to eat you can imagine what paying the bill and leaving a tip can be like! ha! So I was not surprised by their various opinions they gave on whether or not I should tip. What I was surprised at was that they spent so much time discussing the pros and cons, and not one of them asked what I was going to do. LOL!


I have always tipped well to the gal who cuts my hair, and she owns the place. But the reason I do it is because I like the cut she gives me. I don't do it for any other reason. I also tip very well to the gal who gives me a facial. Not only does she do a good job, but I wouldn't want to anger someone who deals with my face! ha!


Thanks again for all your helpful information about your appointment. I do appreciate it.




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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

@Diva1Donna wrote:

@HonnyBrown wrote:

Hi Wenners!


Well, Fig, SAM and Jojoba have officially quit my hair.  These three have been my staples for a few years.


I'm down to 613, FTP, TT and RM.  I think and hope they will suffice in rotation.


My other formulas: WWC, CA, SHP, and OO are still up in the air ( and these are 16 ounce bottles).


The Jojoba and OO (Olive Oil) are Hair One formulas that my hair used to love.

@HonnyBrown Sorry to hear some of your staples stopped working for you. My hair revolted against SAM a long time ago and I can only handle FIG sparingly on my ends. I absolutely love FTP, at least that is a good one to be left with. I hope you can find something else to put in your rotation soon that may work for you. 


Diva1Donna!  I never thought to use Fig on my ends!  Thank you!!!


SAM turned my hair to straw, Fig made my hair frizz,  and Jojoba just confused my already bipolar hair.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

@HappyDaze wrote:

@HonnyBrown wrote:

Hi Wenners!


Well, Fig, SAM and Jojoba have officially quit my hair.  These three have been my staples for a few years.


I'm down to 613, FTP, TT and RM.  I think and hope they will suffice in rotation.


My other formulas: WWC, CA, SHP, and OO are still up in the air ( and these are 16 ounce bottles).


The Jojoba and OO (Olive Oil) are Hair One formulas that my hair used to love.

@HonnyBrown what does this mean?

The formulas don't work for my hair.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

I'm going to my stylist for highlights tomorrow. I love going to be pampered. I am doing an oil treatment tonight to give my hair and scalp treatment before I go. I haven't had my hair highlighted in about a year. My old highlights are pretty much grown out already. I like my hair lighter, but I don't always have time to go to the salon. This will be a treat. 

Smiley Happy Hilary
Wen girl for 10 years!!
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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

@Hilary77enjoy the pampering!!

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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

Isn't that gorgeous?  You got to try it too!  You lil' dickens!  Lucky you!  I'll bet it's just as lovely as it looks.  You're aces for telling us all kinds of info and posting all that stuff that you do.  I got one but it won't ship out for quite a bit I guess. 

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Re: wen - February Chat 2016

I have an Ojon product.  It's a narrow bottle and foams on top when you shake it.  I was using it on my ends to detangle but now I'm a Wen girl for only 7 years now I don't need it.  The Wen paste does the trick WAY better.  I must say though in my "hair quest" it was the only thing that was kind of decent but no ways near what Wen does.  I was using a product called, now get this.. lol!  Alfa parf and one called silky deyerly.  The latter one could only be gotten from a salon a went to.  I could not get it on line because it was from Argentina.  The bottle was eency weeency tiny and it was fifteen bucks!  Boy was I glad I found Wen.  I jumped in with both feet and never looked back.  Thanks again for all you do here.