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Any news yet?




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Probably not until someone gets the August infer which is usually around August 10th or so. Unless a Wen Dooters spills something earlier.
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Because of already spilled information on the release of FTP Fragrance and possibly some other FTP stuff, my guess would be - something like a kit with this scent, or maybe an early push of Fall CCs via 16 oz Fall CC Trio, or something like that.


Unless this new fragrance free product (forgot it's name) will show up early enough, which I doubt.

Anyways Ladies, start your engines! I mean get your credit cards recovered and ready!

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I don't know either but today on periscope, Chaz said 613 gallons are coming in October and he is trying to get mandarin fig gallons for then also.
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I think we'll see a more traditional TSV, with a 32 oz core CC and other products. He hasn't offered this since fall 2014 (December TSV was choice of five 16 oz bottles, March was BGT/MIF with 613). I would be shocked if the featured product was FTP fragrance......I don't see that being popular enough to push 90,000-100,000 units. And the seasonal trios of 16 oz CC are usually offered as an OTO or Hot Pick.

It's been a while since he's featured body products (other than the new launch of the 613 cream), so I would love to see that.

"MY" perfect fall TSV would be a 32 oz CC, 32 oz Body Cleansing Cream and some configuration of oil and/or RTM. I would be happy with (1) a 12 oz RTM, (2) a 4 oz oil, or (option 3) a 6 oz RTM and a 2 oz oil. And I think $59 dollars and change would be a perfect price point! I would take one in SAM, TT and LAV.
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@Kitkat21 wrote:
I don't know either but today on periscope, Chaz said 613 gallons are coming in October and he is trying to get mandarin fig gallons for then also.


Did he mention anything about BGT gallons?

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DoxieMomma, I like your way of thinkin Heart

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Re: WEN Sept TSV?

[ Edited ]

@DoxieMomma wrote:
I think we'll see a more traditional TSV, with a 32 oz core CC and other products. He hasn't offered this since fall 2014 (December TSV was choice of five 16 oz bottles, March was BGT/MIF with 613). I would be shocked if the featured product was FTP fragrance......I don't see that being popular enough to push 90,000-100,000 units. And the seasonal trios of 16 oz CC are usually offered as an OTO or Hot Pick.

It's been a while since he's featured body products (other than the new launch of the 613 cream), so I would love to see that.

"MY" perfect fall TSV would be a 32 oz CC, 32 oz Body Cleansing Cream and some configuration of oil and/or RTM. I would be happy with (1) a 12 oz RTM, (2) a 4 oz oil, or (option 3) a 6 oz RTM and a 2 oz oil. And I think $59 dollars and change would be a perfect price point! I would take one in SAM, TT and LAV.


Yes,  you do have a good point on FTP - not for everyone, of course, to pull a TSV numbers through. But I do look forward to FTP, if not on TSV, then maybe a great OTO. I really like it, and I am not sure, but probably I will not buy a Trio of Fall scents if it is offered, just FTP.


I know, I also not likely to buy any of the Winter scents, maybe, just maybe WWC. Still have to test my remaining 32 oz opened bottle of WWC. For some reason I pushed it aside.


I am very well stashed with Wen CCs, and can easily go a year without buying any. Untill Spring. Then, yeah I like at least two of them a lot.

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sonecko -- I could probably go two YEARS without buying more CC 😃

I skipped the last two TSVs and will only get the one in Sept if I can use all of the products. I will purchase at least two more bottles of FAS this fall (no ancillary products) and that'll be it until next year. Like you, I don't care for the winter formulas (although I haven't tried WWC).

I skipped FTP, and I just can't get excited about the formula......I had a high-school classmate who would slather herself in Victoria's Secret Pear Glacé.......every day. To this day, I can't smell a pear fragrance without thinking about her 😳
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The fall TSV, if past years have been any indication, will be a core CC along with styling products. I doubt that a fragrance spray will be part of a TSV, although it may indeed be part of a OTO or other special deal.