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Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

I'm sorry I can't remember who, but I think there was somebody who wanted to purchase this on Labor Day and it was sold out.


just saw that it will be in the show and it looks like all the scents are restocked 


A269361. 32 ounce cleansing conditioner and 4 ounce remoist for 59.94



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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

If I didn't have so much CC from the TSV....

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

[ Edited ]

you know what's funny? that tsv and the way the cost per item breaks down has been keeping me from getting some stuff. or at least makes me hesistate. i only have one fig remoist left and it's a 2 oz and it's already open and in use. i have an unopened tea tree 2 oz and a 2 oz bgt that is like halfway gone. i have about 4 ounces left of a lavender 8 ounce. fig is my favorite and i need more, so i'm thinking of getting this. i'm already halfway through my fig cc from my tsv and then i'll be out. so, i do actually need more of both of those items. and this is a great deal. and yet, i'm like, well once i add shipping and tax these will be around 33 bucks each (nothing to sneeze at!) but each of my tsv items was less than 19 dollars per item so now i don't want to spend more than 19 on a 32 ounce cc. hahahaha what a spoiled wenner i have become. it is so hard fo rme to buy something when i know i can get it for less.


whatever, i'll probably cave. but, wow, that tsv value really was amazing.

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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

@jennys kid wrote:

you know what's funny? that tsv and the way the cost per item breaks down has been keeping me from getting some stuff. or at least makes me hesistate. i only have one fig remoist left and it's a 2 oz and it's already open and in use. i have an unopened tea tree 2 oz and a 2 oz bgt that is like halfway gone. i have about 4 ounces left of a lavender 8 ounce. fig is my favorite and i need more, so i'm thinking of getting this. i'm already halfway through my fig cc from my tsv and then i'll be out. so, i do actually need more of both of those items. and this is a great deal. and yet, i'm like, well once i add shipping and tak these will be around 33 bucks each (nothing to sneeze at!) but each of my tsv items was less than 19 dollars per item so now i don't want to spend more than 19 on a 32 ounce cc. hahahaha what a spoiled wenner i have become. it is so hard fo rme to buy something when i know i can get it for less.


whatever, i'll probably cave. but, wow, that tsv value really was amazing.

@jennys kid lol, I do the exact same thing... the TSVs, especially the December TSV, really has me spoiled. 


I almost passed on the Sept 5th  OTO for BGT remoist and oil... and I really wanted the BGT remoist and I wanted the BGT Oil for it's fragrance. I had to keep reminding myself that I was basically getting the BGT oil for free.


Of course, I did finally get it... but it was a struggle. 


I think you should go for this duo... it's a great value and I think it wont be back until Jan/Feb... if it's offered then.


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

@Brdwygurl that's so sweet of you to let them know. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

bebe777 wrote: 
I almost passed on the Sept 5th  OTO for BGT remoist and oil... and I really wanted the BGT remoist and I wanted the BGT Oil for it's fragrance. I had to keep reminding myself that I was basically getting the BGT oil for free.
Of course, I did finally get it... but it was a struggle.
 I think you should go for this duo... it's a great value and I think it wont be back until Jan/Feb... if it's offered then.
-- bebe Smiley Happy

I didn't get the Sept TSV but I did get the OTO with the BGT remoist and oil (so far only have used them once).  I want to give the remoist another try since everyone raves about it. 


I could use more FIG cc so I'm debating on this duo.  Just not sure I need another remoist so soon since I just got the BGT.  And it's not like there won't be other specials or other configurations down the road... 


Question on the remoist:  Chaz says to only use a teaspoon but he also says the 4oz size is 8 treatments.  It would seem to be much more than that only using one teaspoon, wouldn't it?

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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

I have shoulder length hair...I use much more than that...maybe 3 tablespoons?  Maybe I'm wasting it.  FYI, I love the fig remoist.

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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

@sueinsf wrote:

bebe777 wrote: 
I almost passed on the Sept 5th  OTO for BGT remoist and oil... and I really wanted the BGT remoist and I wanted the BGT Oil for it's fragrance. I had to keep reminding myself that I was basically getting the BGT oil for free.
Of course, I did finally get it... but it was a struggle.
 I think you should go for this duo... it's a great value and I think it wont be back until Jan/Feb... if it's offered then.
-- bebe Smiley Happy

I didn't get the Sept TSV but I did get the OTO with the BGT remoist and oil (so far only have used them once).  I want to give the remoist another try since everyone raves about it. 


I could use more FIG cc so I'm debating on this duo.  Just not sure I need another remoist so soon since I just got the BGT.  And it's not like there won't be other specials or other configurations down the road... 


Question on the remoist:  Chaz says to only use a teaspoon but he also says the 4oz size is 8 treatments.  It would seem to be much more than that only using one teaspoon, wouldn't it?


@sueinsf I get a lot more than 8 treatments out of the 4 oz. jar. Not that I usually count them but I know for sure that I've used some of my remoists more than 8 times and I still have plenty left.

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Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

@sueinsf wrote:

bebe777 wrote: 
I almost passed on the Sept 5th  OTO for BGT remoist and oil... and I really wanted the BGT remoist and I wanted the BGT Oil for it's fragrance. I had to keep reminding myself that I was basically getting the BGT oil for free.
Of course, I did finally get it... but it was a struggle.
 I think you should go for this duo... it's a great value and I think it wont be back until Jan/Feb... if it's offered then.
-- bebe Smiley Happy

I didn't get the Sept TSV but I did get the OTO with the BGT remoist and oil (so far only have used them once).  I want to give the remoist another try since everyone raves about it. 


I could use more FIG cc so I'm debating on this duo.  Just not sure I need another remoist so soon since I just got the BGT.  And it's not like there won't be other specials or other configurations down the road... 


Question on the remoist:  Chaz says to only use a teaspoon but he also says the 4oz size is 8 treatments.  It would seem to be much more than that only using one teaspoon, wouldn't it?

@sueinsf that's what I've always thought. Unless you have a huge volume of hair I think it lasts longer than Chaz suggests. 


I have not a lot of thin/fine porous hair, so I don't need to use a lot of it because my hair just won't hold that much of it. So my remoist lasts a long time. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Posts: 14,055
Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Re: Cleansing conditioner with remoist 59.94

@posterchild wrote:

I have shoulder length hair...I use much more than that...maybe 3 tablespoons?  Maybe I'm wasting it.  FYI, I love the fig remoist.


@posterchild I don't use more than what makes my hair feel greasy. I figure that if my hair is greasy then i've applied too much. -- I do apply it to dry hair though becasue I want it to penetrate the hair shaft.


Of course, I have thin/fine hair so I need to cleanse my hair the following morning. If you keep the remoist in your hair then you might be using it in a different way than I do. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy