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I see they finally realized that one size does not fit all and are now offering them in plus size.

I don't care for the sparkle on them but over and above that, I want my clothes in my size. I can see a poncho being one size fits all but not a fitted item like this.

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On 1/14/2015 annabella said:

Who would want sparkles?

I would!

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I love the sparkles. I do not like the fabric! It does not breath. It is itchy. It doesn't wash well. I wanted these to work out, but I was disappointed.

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I wear one of these almost every day. I've never noticed itchiness and they wash beautifully. In fact, I just toss them in the cold water wash and then let them air dry. Love them. I sometimes like bling. Just not liking bling on my skinny tees.

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On 1/14/2015 Krimpette said:

I wear one of these almost every day. I've never noticed itchiness and they wash beautifully. In fact, I just toss them in the cold water wash and then let them air dry. Love them. I sometimes like bling. Just not liking bling on my skinny tees.

I too wear one almost every day...........I think I have them in every color and got a long sleeve version from their website. And like you, I've never had any itching and my wash beautifully. I just put in a lingerie bag, wash in cold water and hang to dry.

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Got the email, too. However when I put in cart, the regular price showed, not the tsv price. This happens to me all the time. Does it happen to anyone else?

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I do wish they would add a couple of sizes, I don't know why they have to stick to the ONE size fits most. Please skinny tee's add a plus and a plus plus. Us plus gals would like to wear them as well, but can't make them work.

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On 1/14/2015 lemmonee said:

I do wish they would add a couple of sizes, I don't know why they have to stick to the ONE size fits most. Please skinny tee's add a plus and a plus plus. Us plus gals would like to wear them as well, but can't make them work.

This TSV will have a plus size according to the e-mail I rec'd.

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not much of a price break. the regular price is about $34.

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regular price is $40