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I felt the same way for yrs. about LOGO. I simply didn't understand her designs.  Last summer I bought two zip cardies and loved them.


In Dec., I saw a top with a mesh lace embroidered "train" and fell in love.  I had wanted to change up my look with my 60th birthday coming up in May.


I am completely redoing my wardrobe with carefully thought out LOGO selections.  I am in love with the copper rose color and bought 4 pieces to make a monocromatic outfit.( One piece went back) It is dressier and suits me.  I admit I have had to send back items to find out that I want tanks to be long and in a 1X, outer cardies and vests to be a Large and tops in XL to give my stomach and hips room. Now I can order pretty confidently these sizes. 


I found a color block vest in several colors and have ordered 2 and maybe another one, on clearance, to coord. with  weekend chic tanks from several weeks ago - these are sleeveless out fits for summer and for the price of one fancy top.


I have a short list of items bookmarked on my computer and check them daily to see if it is on easy pay or sale, and pick it up then. This is not too time consuming and has paid off.


The vast majority of LOGO items are not for me.  The tops with tiers of layers in back don't work for me, and being tall, I stick to WWC slim pants.


Basically, it takes a lot of time to plan what might work with what.  I do run the risk of something on air selling out, but sometimes I order an item and take a few hours to think it over and if needed, I cancel the order online. 


The two LOGO necklaces have drawn a lot of compliments and I find really the best choice for these clothes. And they match everything.


I am limited to one medium closet for everything so I make sure every item is something I am really in love with the style and color.


I do understand that LOGO is very different, but after quite awhile, I found my own style within the line.  I do agree the prices are spiraling upward and that has really made me take pause.





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I know that people who love the Logo line cannot understand why so many people hate it so passionately. I doubt there are many threads like this regarding other designers like Isaac, etc. As a person who does not like logo, the fascination and passion for disliking  it- for me--comes from watching the designer . She seriously looks ridiculous wearing 18 layers of clothing all unmatched. I am all for mixing colors, but she takes it to a new level, she looks like a clown. Its hard for many of us to understand the attraction of a designer to show themselves in public looking like this.  I tune in just to see how ridiculous she looks. I also don't understand "permission to play". Do I need Lori's permission to wear clothing in a certain way? and why must they refer to clothing as if it is human. I agree with another poster that this is very much like grunge from days gone by. I also think the clothes are very unflattering if you carry any extra weight. Even the slender models look heavier in the clothing. I actually feel insulted when I see what she charges for her fashion. I think she laughs all the way to the bank..

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Layers Layers......Layers! lol
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Not one of my favorite "designers" to say the least. I've made more attractive pieces in 7th grade Home Ec. To each their own.



Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎07-18-2010

Love finding othersfeeling like I do. The qualityfor theprice is just not there. When you watch the items on TV I see very flimsy material with some loose threads for VERY high prices. No thank you.

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Registered: ‎08-07-2013

This is a discussion website and people are allowed to post there likes and what they don't like.If it bothers some of you so much .. maybe you should move on to another topic. I am in the middle with this Logo line, In other words it is a hit or miss for me. And yes,  for the most part for what I am getting it is getting expensive. There I said it! And it is my right to express my views.