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BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

Questionable links and entirely jibberish-nonsensical paragraphs. One has already been poofed. EderJuriya shows up as the poster. Prank or scammer?

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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

It's spammers, from another country I suspect, trying to sell their products. I never answer them and always hit the "Report Inappropriate" button. Webbie poofs them.

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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

Some of them are hilarious!

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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

I also hit the report inappropriate button. You can tell they're English is a little off to say it nicely. What a bunch of morons!! It's so bad that when I try to read it, I have to stop and start reading out loud because I'm confused. :-/
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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

I think when they use Google translate to post, it make it nonsense.

I use it to read Chinese and it makes no sense. You can get the gist but some of it turns into nonsense and it is kinda funny to read.

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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

""Questionable links and entirely jibberish-nonsensical paragraphs.""

A normal night on Viewpoints.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

On 2/20/2015 suzyQ3 said:

""Questionable links and entirely jibberish-nonsensical paragraphs.""

A normal night on Viewpoints.

~Enough is enough~
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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

I must have missed all the fun.

I am having all kinds of trouble at this point with products being sold from other countries, low pricing and never never getting what I paid for. Thanks goodness for Paypal. They go right after them and I am never going to be tempted again by the fancy advertising and low price points.... mostly clothes

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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

Those posts are always someone's first post, too, or they only signed up that day. Anyone who can do embedded links in their first ever post gets my suspicions up.

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Re: BEWARE of some strange posts showing up here-jibberish

wvumountiefan!! I love your quote! My youngest just committed to WVU and is SO excited!! Did you go there? Any tips??