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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

Sage is evil through and through. She killed Delia I think.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

Thanks Hooty.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

Am I the only one who is tired of seeing those little kids constantly running around the house. They've made Cain and Lilly into two people who can only talk about their 'kids'. It's sooooo boring.

Then we have the 'two secret lovers' quietly whispering and we see blurs over and over. Good grief! Are you kidding me? How long is this going to go on?

I know this is terrible and I'm sorry I'm actually putting this down but here goes.....would someone knock him upside the head so he can see that his wife and son are doing the de#d? I feel terrible, but you guys do know his could go on for weeks....right? All of you saw it coming, you called it with those three.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....this kid might want to hold up on the braille because ......well, we won't know about it for a few months yet.........we all have time. (I know I'm in a stinky mood).

There's just no real plot line, it's just bla bla.They need to mix these couples up.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

On 1/1/2015 annabellethecat said:

Am I the only one who is tired of seeing those little kids constantly running around the house. They've made Cain and Lilly into two people who can only talk about their 'kids'. It's sooooo boring.

Then we have the 'two secret lovers' quietly whispering and we see blurs over and over. Good grief! Are you kidding me? How long is this going to go on?

I know this is terrible and I'm sorry I'm actually putting this down but here goes.....would someone knock him upside the head so he can see that his wife and son are doing the de#d? I feel terrible, but you guys do know his could go on for weeks....right? All of you saw it coming, you called it with those three.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....this kid might want to hold up on the braille because ......well, we won't know about it for a few months yet.........we all have time. (I know I'm in a stinky mood).

There's just no real plot line, it's just bla bla.They need to mix these couples up.

Maybe the two kids can blur out Devon kissed Hillary at least make the useful...

I know what you mean by those two children I feel like their props nothing more somehow how they use them is like a potted plant...

Those two had their chance to nip this before and during the wedding now forever hold your peace....

Devon trying to be honorable before but now is a slimy creep... same with Hillary

there were cowards before now they are wic...............ked cowards...

This QVC PC propaganda censor belongs in Red China

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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

I am sick of Victor at his stage of life being a jerk he is no better than the Bikinis guy there is no different only on a grander scale....

The only kind of family Victor knows is a mob style he is all veneer.... his words are hollow he knows how decent Dylan is, yet he wants to go after his wife son for gain and feel what power what kind of power dose a man get from that situation?

I think Eric Braeden is shallow to continue to play a roll like that it shows in his core he is bankrupt, he brings nothing new to the table of life....

Eric's, Victor never achieved refinement and graciousness I do not blame this on the writers this editing is all his own... he has knowledge of those attributes but he never acquired them in his being, but like to uses them as a tool...

From now on Victor is Charlie the Tuna....

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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

Gwen brings out something in Devon

that Hilary was never able to do now there is Chemistry

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Re: Y&R Spoiler & UpDates 12/29/14 - 01/02/15

I got a feeling that Abby is going to get snag Image result for tiny emoticons heart pic by Harding ...

That Courtney will cut her

ties with Noah for his smart remark he

made with her standing there that had to cut deep...

but could Noah remark had to do with the way his parents treat marriage and

of course half GC is no roll model and it could be Courtney that is one who is pregnant....