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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

On 1/2/2015 annabellethecat said:

Dylan is very boring to watch. I just don't care for the actor. He has one expression and his words sound like he's reading from the teleprompter. He's cute and I used to see him on General Hospital and he was Ok, but on this especially with Avery, like the article said, it puts me to sleep!

I think really good writers pay attention to what the audience would like to see (the majority) and works around it.

One reason why they were having so much trouble with fans jumping the ship (so to speak) before, I believe is because that stupid head writer/woman killed off the girl, got rid of the good Billy and good Phyllis and wrote trash.

Now it seems someone else is turning some things around. We/the fans know what we like. It's surprising how similar fans really are in what they are thinking and what they like. The difference (in my humble opinion) is this. Most people know what they'd like to see happen (the general outline of what they like).

They just don't have the know how to put it into a story line. Hence, that's where a writer comes into play. A good writer takes everything into consideration, makes himself or herself aware of the history of the characters and goes on from there.

I've read where long-time actors sometimes puts their foot down and says, "Nick would definitely not do that". He's been very outspoken about things like this. I feel like he's protecting his character because it doesn't pay to upset fans (especially SOAP fans).

I so agree with you. Dylan puts me to sleep every time he's on. He should have gone back to GH as Jason. Now Billy Miller has stolen the role & making it his own. Dylan, Collin, Jeffrey, Joe, Billy, Kelly, Lily, Devon.......they all need to go.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

On 1/2/2015 annabellethecat said:

Dylan is very boring to watch. I just don't care for the actor. He has one expression and his words sound like he's reading from the teleprompter. He's cute and I used to see him on General Hospital and he was Ok, but on this especially with Avery, like the article said, it puts me to sleep!

I think really good writers pay attention to what the audience would like to see (the majority) and works around it.

One reason why they were having so much trouble with fans jumping the ship (so to speak) before, I believe is because that stupid head writer/woman killed off the girl, got rid of the good Billy and good Phyllis and wrote trash.

Now it seems someone else is turning some things around. We/the fans know what we like. It's surprising how similar fans really are in what they are thinking and what they like. The difference (in my humble opinion) is this. Most people know what they'd like to see happen (the general outline of what they like).

They just don't have the know how to put it into a story line. Hence, that's where a writer comes into play. A good writer takes everything into consideration, makes himself or herself aware of the history of the characters and goes on from there.

I've read where long-time actors sometimes puts their foot down and says, "Nick would definitely not do that". He's been very outspoken about things like this. I feel like he's protecting his character because it doesn't pay to upset fans (especially SOAP fans).

I so agree with you. Dylan puts me to sleep every time he's on. He should have gone back to GH as Jason. Now Billy Miller has stolen the role & making it his own. Dylan, Collin, Jeffrey, Joe, Billy, Kelly, Lily, Devon.......they all need to go.

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Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery... are right on every word! I was reading my new Soap Digest and it breaks down some of the stupid mistakes the soaps made (i.e. hiring and firing).

They pretty much said what we all say here. They especially thought it was terrible casting with the Billy's. Not to bust on this Billy but the other Billy was so 'lose' and this one seems so 'stiff' and 'older'.

I think they need to get rid of Stitch too though. I think he's going to go anyway, based on what I read.

I posted that the writers supposedly are 'listening' to the fans and making changes based on what they would like to see. About time!

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Posts: 2,839
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Y&R Spoiler Kelly Killed Off, Noah’s New Girlfriend, Colin Exiting, Dylan & Avery...

On 1/2/2015 annabellethecat said: are right on every word! I was reading my new Soap Digest and it breaks down some of the stupid mistakes the soaps made (i.e. hiring and firing).

They pretty much said what we all say here. They especially thought it was terrible casting with the Billy's. Not to bust on this Billy but the other Billy was so 'lose' and this one seems so 'stiff' and 'older'.

I think they need to get rid of Stitch too though. I think he's going to go anyway, based on what I read.

I posted that the writers supposedly are 'listening' to the fans and making changes based on what they would like to see. About time!

I figured it out I like the roll of Dylan but the actor is not right for that roll...

Same way with Stitch