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Jack has held up the best of any of them. He's always looked good and has aged gracefully, always dressed well.  I'm glad he's never went back to that *******   Phyllis.

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Registered: ‎04-10-2012

Not a Reed going back to visit his dad would be good.......and the guitar girl not thrilled they are pairing her off with Noah.........don't see the magic there.................

would rather not see Phyllis & Jack back together......I think Victoria and this Billy seem more compatible then the other line of Billy's...haha...(except B. Miller of course)........hope they keep Mirah and Devon together and not have her turn to Kevin.................Turning the family against Victor is fine but i think banning him from the grandchildren is a bit much and also a telltale sign to others they are hiding something..............It seems to me

that Niki claims to be protecting the family by not outing Victor....but i can't help but wonder if it was her son...

instead of Nick or Dylan would she be so

willing to go along with not seeing Victor pay for his sins

or go to jail for his involvement in the crime.



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Registered: ‎05-27-2014

I actually like Reed, both the character & the actor. In my 40ish year of watching soaps, trust me, there WILL be a wild child written into the script. Reed, although a Newman, did not grow up entirely with the Newman privilege, but rather far removed with J T and Mac. I never understood Victoria not fighting for a better custody agreement for Reed. For a while there the writers tried to make Victoria appear child free (i.e. carefree) & also a wild thing. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.



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Registered: ‎05-27-2014



Isn't Jack another one of Sharon's ex-husbands? I like that the new/old writers are shaking up the interaction between characters. I am really appreciative that there are now realistic people with a realistic storyline being portrayed. I'm tired, however, of the Love em or Hate em swings between Victor & the family. I think familial angst can be shown without a war starting & battle sides being drawn up. I like how Billy interacts with Reed. This is what's pulling Billy back into Victoria's orbit. 


One character I do not like is Chelsea. I honestly do not see a use for her character. The actress is not very good either, IMO. She was at her best with Michael Muhney. All of the other romantic leads that have been paired with her are busts & absolutely terrible.


To keep the Chelsea role I think that Michael Muhney should return as Adam. That probably will not happen because of Eric Braeden. Theirs was "the clash of two super egos", LOL. The nastiness really is personal and baffling. 



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Posts: 36,572
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

I'm all for the return of the true Adam Newman. Now, that EB is pretty well semi retired maybe that will be a better atmosphere for MM to return. EB is 75 in real life. The character is scaling down and trying to groom others for his seat. Abby, is insecure and worthless. Wish Muhney would return and take over Victor's seat.


I cheered when Nick clocked him , of course, Bambi had to come into the room at just the right moment. I'm glad Nick didn't give her a choice told her straight up your coming home, get your things. Never seen a kid that could call the shots for the whole family before. Time for Nick to man up and show her who's in control.


NIcki, can save her breathe she should know after all these many yrs. that she's not gonna change the man. All her little decrees aren't worth the paper they're written on. She'll either head for the hotel again and hole up with her bottles or go and find Neil.