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Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

I just finished watching this movie for the FIRST TIME and now that I've seen it I can't believe I resisted it for so long.  OMG -- I loved every minute of it.  What an incredible love story.  I was so filled with emotions throughout the entire movie and spent most of the last 45 minutes crying like a baby.    I've never been overly fond of Kate Winslet or Leonardo DiCaprio, but now I have a whole new appreciation for them both.  

Is there any movie that you didn't especially want to see, but then did and thought it was great?

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

So this isn't exactly the same thing....but I watched the sitcom "Friends" for the first time in its last year (I think it was on for 8 years or so...maybe longer). It's not that I realized I loved it, but I finally caught on as to why it was so popular throughout the 90s. 

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

I totally agree with both of you.  I've watched Titanic so many times (different parts of it).  It's fun the way you can just come in on it in the middle, beginning, etc and watch it.


I've been watching Friends recently over and over.  I watched it most of the time when it was new but sometimes found it boring.


I hope this doesn't frighten either of you but we might have similar tastes/ideas (some think of that comment as an insult).  Ha!

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

So this isn't exactly the same thing....but I watched the sitcom "Friends" for the first time in its last year (I think it was on for 8 years or so...maybe longer). It's not that I realized I loved it, but I finally caught on as to why it was so popular throughout the 90s. 

@Goldengate8361, Oh I completely get that.  I didn't jump on "The Office" bandwagon until it's last season.  It became my favorite show and I spent hours and hours catching up on old episodes.  

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

I still have no desire to watch that movie althought at least 2 times I've seen the same 'scene'.  The one where she's hanging onto a peice of debris or something in the freezing water and she has ice on her lips (I think).  Just seemed really fake to me.  You don't talk calmly and sweetly in frigid waters in the middle of the Atlantic.  You flip out and scream and cry your eyes out, I would think!


But the real reason I never watched the movie is because it was a true story and there were hundreds of love stories on that boat, upper and lower decks, from high class to crew.  There was no reason to fictionalize one.  JMO!

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

Love Kate Winslet, I just don't do disaster movies.  I just can't seem to get past the grief. 

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

@Annabellethecat66, I've read your posts in tv and movies for quite some time now and I would be honored to have the same taste as you!! Woman Happy

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

Thanks!  That's maybe 3 of us and 2 of us are living!  Ha!

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

@ECBG, Yes this was a disaster of epic proportions -- which is why I spent so much time crying.  Seeing what these people went through was heartbreaking and unimaginable to me.  

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Re: Titanic and movies you don't want to watch.....

With all due respect to the OP, sometimes I think people get so caught up in the love story that they miss the real point of the movie.  That was to show the line drawn between the classes at tha time.  Remember the scene when the people below deck level were blocked by a gate at the stairs going up?



There were more 1st class men who survived than steerage-class women & children.


Please don't get me wrong.  I'm not passing judgement on anyone who likes this film.  I've seen it several times myself.