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Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And eviction day is finally here. After some frantic last minute campaigining from Vanessa, Shelli and oddly enough Clay, it looks like Shelli's safety is now guaranteed. Vanessa has firm commitments for six votes to keep Shelli and it only takes five. Clay has been encouraging everyone to vote him out. (Sure, it's not like he needs five hundred thousand dollars or anything.) Barring another flip, or flop, or whatever from Austin and the twins (which is entirely possible) Shelli will be staying for at least another week.


The argument Shelli and Vanessa have been making is the old numbers argument. With Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Julia, John, Becky, Steve against just Meg and Jackie (James can't play as outgoing HOH) that they'll easily win the HOH comp and stay in power. They're cleverly ignoring the counter argument that Austin, Liz, Julia, James, Jackie, Meg, Vanessa, Becky against John, Steve and Clay would also nearly guarantee their survival and keep their word, but hey, logic isn't their strong suit.


Anyway, at this moment it looks like Shelli will survive and Clay will be dumped out onto the streets and nightlife of LA once more. Poor fellow! Separated from Shelli and surround by young, aspiring starlets, eager for any hint of fame they can get. How will he survive?


The good news for Clay is that getting out before Shelli has a chance to see the video of him and Meg in the bathroom might just save his life. Sure, he can argue he was simply using his face to wipe the perspiraton from Meg's breasts and that the squeezing of her nether regions was simply to determine her fitness for the next competition, but somehow I'm guessing Shelli wouldn't agree. Having Shelli out of the house for six weeks or so stewing over that video (and God only knows what else could go down if he stayed) might have led to the first murder at a finale. As it now stands Clay should ahve a good chance to put some distance between him and Shelli before she ever sees that video.


Expect lots of flip flopping as the day goes on and we won't know for sure who stays or who goes until the vote tonight. I'm pretty sure the twins would prefer Shelli gone, and if they vote her out with Meg, Jackie and Becky, then Shelli's gone.


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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman, this isn't just a great season so far -- it's an inspiring one for you.  Hahahaha about Clay and Meg.  Well done as always.


I wish Shelli would go.  I can't stand Meg anymore (except her vote, I like that) and a Clay/Meg showmance would entertain.  


I wish Austin, Judas & Liz, would go next in any order, so they're alone in that jury house. 

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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Susie2, "half-gopher" is now a part of my vocabulary LOL.  Just got off the phone with a workman who annoyed me and I said to myself, "Gonna be a half-gopher day."  I love it.  Because it's not glass half full or empty; no matter which way you look at that gopher, it's still only half.  Maybe it will go viral teehee.  "That guy I went out with was totally a half-gopher."  Hahahaha.  I amuse myself.

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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I really wanted Shelli to go as I had a story all lined up where she'd hire the Chinese hackers who hacked Sony to erase all of the video of the last week, then use the Mexican tunnel makers who dug out the Mexican druglord to dig her a tunnel ending under Becky's bed. Then in the overnight hours she'd sneak back in, knock out Becky and turn her over to the tunnel diggers as payment. Her hackers would block the feeds during this interval and colorize her picture on the memory wall while making Becky's black and white.


Shelli would then enlist Clay and Vanessa to work to convince the rest of the house that they'd nominated and evicted Becky. With no video proof otherwise, she might just pull it off. But alas, with Shelli staying that storyline will be lost forever.

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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



I read the ABNA excerpt but you mentioned multiple novels:  Are any of them comic?  And do you write short stories?  You are hilarious.  


Your humor and talents remind me of the short stories of Mark Twain, who was so funny and whose writing was quite socially relevant at the time.  I think if he was around now he'd be writing about Big Brother too LOL.

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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@LoriLori wrote:



I read the ABNA excerpt but you mentioned multiple novels:  Are any of them comic?  And do you write short stories?  You are hilarious.  


Your humor and talents remind me of the short stories of Mark Twain, who was so funny and whose writing was quite socially relevant at the time.  I think if he was around now he'd be writing about Big Brother too LOL.

The only out and out comedic novel I've written is "The Campaign" which God willing I'll get out sometime before Christmas. (Along with the rest of my novels.) Most of my novels have some little bits of comedy in them however.


"To Rise or Fall" (my novel about a university professor discovering that the new general anesthesia he's testing allows those using it to experience the afterlife they've earned up to that time) has a scene where a sleazy televangelist has been faking using the drug to battle the demons of Heck (I'm still not sure what filters are in place here, so we'll say heck) and then his assistant, who was turned down for a raise, injects some of the real stuff into him on live TV sending him on a trip he'd rather not have taken.


"Annie's Gift" (the title is tentative) is about a modern girl in Philly who discovers that Elfreth's Alley contains a portal to Elf Reth's Alley and there's a bit of slight comedy as she tries to come to grips with the two worlds.


"Sara X" doesn't really have much comedy in it, though there are a few grin provoking scenes depending on your vantage point.


"Defenders of Earth" is a YA novel about a boy who's been entrusted with a spacecraft to defend Earth from invasion. (He's one of five such defenders on Earth.) His life gets seriously complicated when a very beautiful, flirty Spanish exchange student moves in, who may have more than a casual interest in him.


There are more stories in the pipeline many of which have a humorous scene or two, but the only real comedic novel is "The Campaign." 

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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman and Lori ~ the two of you had me laughing out loud in my kitchen this morning while I was making coffee and thinking about your posts. Thank you. Smiley Happy


G'man ~ great imagination and excellent story telling ability make for really fun reading and everyday I look forward to reading the overnight updates and your take on the in-house shenanigans of the BB house. 


Lori ~ your coining the phrase "half-gopher day" is going to keep me laughing for a long, long time! Maybe it's because I identify so personally, having literally lived through the half-gopher day, but it's such a vivid picture-producing image that can describe a myriad of unpleasant circumstances that would lead one to utter (as you said) "Gonna be a half-gopher day!"

You amuse me as well and I can't wait to share this with my daughter who experienced with me what I will now consider to be my original half-gopher day. I know she'll love it as much as I do. 


In my twisted mind I can even see it used as wedding toast:

 (raise your glass)


                         To the happy couple 

                         At this your debut

                         May your blessings be many

                         Half-gopher days few



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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I vote for shelli to go.....

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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

With the debates at 9 P.M. will BB be pre-empted???


I want Shelli gone in the worst way.


Gardenman, thanks for all your updates which are more interesting than the shows. Also good luck on your novels & keep us posted about them.





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Re: Thursday 8/06/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@LoriLori wrote:

Gardenman, this isn't just a great season so far -- it's an inspiring one for you.  Hahahaha about Clay and Meg.  Well done as always.


I wish Shelli would go.  I can't stand Meg anymore (except her vote, I like that) and a Clay/Meg showmance would entertain.  


I wish Austin, Judas & Liz, would go next in any order, so they're alone in that jury house. 

I think a Clay/Meg showmance would be great because then instead of one of those planes flying over with a banner Shellie could hire one and parachute down in. She could fly down carrying her sword and go after Meg.