Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
Well, I can't say I'm surprised to see the survivor thread hurried on page 6 with no new posts.After this last episode I did something I rarely do. I threatened to shut it off during tribal. The only thing that stopped me was wanting to find out how the do or die turned out😉. Am I the only one that's tired of all the black people wining about wanting to be treated equally but then they refuse to vote out someone just because they are black. Double standard much. Makes me ill.
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I'm still watching.  Though I've not been thrilled with this season, I still enjoy watching.  The challenges are all a snoozefest.  First it was the race to finish the puzzle.  Now its endurance.  I definitely see one of the men winning this one.


I've always liked Danny.  I think he's a good guy.

I also like Zander(?) - he's hung in there, made some good moves and is not a jerky guy.

DeShawn - nope, don't thin he'll get the votes.

Riccard - I didn't know what to think of him at first.  Was he trustworthy or a snake?  I've grown to like him though, and think he's really playing it cool, level-headed and dare I say, even honestly?


I guess they'll keep Heather around cause she's no chance of winning.  Erika - don't think she would get the votes to win.


So if its between Danny, Zander and Riccard - I'd be happy for any one of them, but I do lean toward Danny, only because I think he's a good guy, not because he's made the moves Zander and Riccard have.

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@Susan423 wrote:
Well, I can't say I'm surprised to see the survivor thread hurried on page 6 with no new posts.After this last episode I did something I rarely do. I threatened to shut it off during tribal. The only thing that stopped me was wanting to find out how the do or die turned out😉. Am I the only one that's tired of all the black people wining about wanting to be treated equally but then they refuse to vote out someone just because they are black. Double standard much. Makes me ill.

I've got to admit the whole race thing gets a little tedious. They do know that black people have won Survivor, right? Vecepia, Earl, Jeremy, and Wendell have all won. They're not going to be the next Rosa Parks for winning this season of Survivor. Reality shows are often won by black players. Chip/Kim, Uchenna/Joyce, Kisha/Jen, Amy(white)/Maya, have all won on The Amazing Race. Blacks have won on nearly every show there ever was. Who was the first black winner of The Dating Game? The Price is Right? What's My Line? Jeopardy? Wheel of Fortune? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Are there statues erected to those first winners? No.


Now, now somehow, forming an all-black alliance is the only way new players can hope to overcome white supremacy and have a chance at winning. (Or that seems to be the message CBS is trying to send between Survivor and Big Brother this year.) Uh, no. Just play a good game and ignore race. Be the best player and you have the best chance at winning.


Is it such a horrible thing that people in the past haven't formed all-black alliances and won despite it? Uh, no. Just play the best game you can play. Make whatever alliances you can. Work with everyone of every color, race, and creed to advance your game.


"I'm representing all blacks!" Uh, no. You're representing you. That's it. No more, no less. "But the cause!" What cause? You're there to entertain viewers and have a shot at winning a life-changing amount of money. That's the cause. You're not the next MLK or Rosa Parks. You're one person out of the tens of thousands who applied to get a chance to entertain us and possibly emerge with a life-changing amount of money. 


"I want people who look like me to know they can achieve anything!" People who look like you run corporations, have become Senators, President, doctors, lawyers, have achieved all kinds of greatness. Do you really think winning a reality show is more inspirational than all of those accomplishments? Uh, no.


Play to win the silly show and stop with all of the progressive nonsense. Entertain us and stop lecturing us. I'm tired of it. Open a book and read some history on what people who "look like you" have achieved and then compare that to winning a silly reality show. Yeah. Perspective is important and a whole lot of people have lost perspective. 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Nothing says struggle in life like a month long vacation to try and win a million dollars. 

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

   I always hated when they brought back players that have already played the game.   Always liked new players till this season.  I would gladly watch Boston Rob or any other older player for the next ten years play this game if we could never ever have another cast of players like these people.

    I still record it and zip thru pretty much to the end so see Jeff pull the one going home.  Will give it a try next season but if it is anything like this season I think I am done.  

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If you have not seen// do not recall get on NETFLIX look for SURVIVOR Fans v Favorites c.2008.   You will see how much Survivor now is a  huge joke.  No hidden idols unless the castaways get sent to Exile Island. REAL challenges (w casualties)  . Giant clams for food.   Amzing reward challenges.  Beautiful setting in Micronesia.


PRE SOCIAL MEDIA except maybe some were on MySpace

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I've been a long time fan but not really enjoying this season.  One thing I do not like (and I think they did this last season as well)  is at tribal counsel how they all scramble to try to change the votes at the last second and its pure chaos for what seems like forever.  I like the old way when they showed up at tribal and none of that nonsense went on.

Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
WeiRDgeRL I so agree. I thought at one time it was against the rules to talk one on one at tribal. I don't like it at all.
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
So very well sad, Gardenman
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
I meant to say, very well said! LOL