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Posts: 284
Registered: ‎08-05-2010

Please Mark Brunett - there are physically fit Gen Xers out there!  Why did you bring the overweight and ones who look like the do little to no exercising onto this show?  That is just WRONG.

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Posts: 284
Registered: ‎08-05-2010

ALso, it looks like on the previews that one of them has had a heart attack - again, why bring on the physically unfit for this challenge? 

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@narcisse I've thought of that too.  However, the one's I see aren't REAL overweight.  But think about it this way too....if they don't have some excess 'meat' on their bones by the time they finish when they turn sideways we can't see them.


Some of these people look like walking skeleton's when they get kicked off.  So, I understand what you are saying.  Maybe just that they be fit to start with.


On BB they kept talking about gaining weight.  Most didn't look much different and (based on how freaking fat I am I sure shouldn't say this but what the hay...I will...heh! heh! Some of the guys started losing some of their muscles (just a tiny bit) so it doesn't take long, I guess, it's not like I'd really know.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I am a huge fan but this season I am less than thrilled with the cast.  I too questioned why they would take older adults who just look like they are going to fail.  The group is mixed with out of shape individuals who definitely have some kind of health problems and barely will survive any challenges.


The younger generation is divided into looking good vs not looking good and that gets old pretty fast.


I looked forward to Wednesday nights, not so much this season...if I miss one, oh well.