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Posts: 20,648
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Rebecca is pregnant again, too?


I will also miss Kate.


It's easy to see why these kids are all so troubled, in different ways.  Brainwashing is never a good thing but when you're brought up in it, you don't have the chance to develop properly before it messes you up.  Smiley Sad

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

The last season they were on was so awful, I can not fathom another one.  These people are just boring nobodys, not attractive, not smart, not rich, not interesting.  Just my take on it. At least if they were fat, or short,  or housewives.....or SOMETHING might make it tolerable 😉 

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Posts: 15,137
Registered: ‎09-08-2010

I know it's scripted, but I enjoy this show. I liked Amish Mafia too. It was fake, but so fake that it was funny. Whoever came up with that show has quite an imagination. 

I like Kate. I wonder why she's not coming back? Sabrina gets on my nerves most of the time. She seems like one of those people you'd meet in real life, someone that just doesn't get it lol. I wonder what's happening in Abe and Rebecca's marriage? He's driving the truck and gone for too long. Hmm. Should be interesting to see. I can't wait until it comes back on.