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Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

I loved loved loved that show until the last episode. What did you all think about that ending. It took me 2 days to get over it , i'm slighly exagerating.

Don't read any further if you plan on watching it 
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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

I think she died in the street after ODing on opiods stolen from her deceased patient's belongings. Throughout the entire episode there was foreshadowing of her death. I loved the show, too, even the ending.




@MW in Iowa wrote:

I loved loved loved that show until the last episode. What did you all think about that ending. It took me 2 days to get over it , i'm slighly exagerating.

Don't read any further if you plan on watching it 


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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

This was a great series. I felt the ending was apropo to the premise if the series. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

I never could figure out if it was the stress of the job that made her want the stuff all the time and was her downfall. That one daughter would have made me want to escape to the mountains just to get away from her.


Her luck ran out and she paid the price. 

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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

I loved the series - thought the ending was perfect.

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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

@MW in Iowa   I watched the series last year and loved it.  I think she did OD as we saw it, also preventing any thought of another season.

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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

I saw an interview with her and she said it was up to the audience to decide , but she believed she died. I just was un happy with it. I do believe she knew she wouldn't be able to get away with the things she was doing at her new hospital , and  that amount of heroin was not just getting high it was going to kill her. I also wanted to see her sponsor , that was horrible what she did to her . I didn't want a sugary sweet ending , but a clear ending. It kind of sends the message that there is no hope for an addict. On a brighter note she has a new show on CBS this upcoming season , can't wait.

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Re: Paging NURSE JACKIE fans !!!!

My mother worked the overnight shift in an emergency department for over 41 years...(mom is a CRNP) she was like Jackie in the sense that everyone went to and relied on her (that is where the similarities end).


For me watching the entire series front to back was fun, very unlike what my mother would extoll stories of the ER.


I enjoyed it for the absurd storyline it was - I infact loved the acting of all the stars and was sad to see it come to an end. 


But in truth, it seemed she was destined for death (I too believe she was NOT revived) from the very first season.