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@Shelbelle wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

Number one line from first Rocky movie.  I never saw the rest of them. 


Burgess Meredith, who played Rocky's manager and Rocky are walking down the street after he won the fight.  Manager warns Rocky not to spend the money unwisely, but to invest in "condominiums" (pretty new around that time).


Rocky says "nah, never use 'em." 


 His character dies in Rocky III, Apollo Creed dies in Rocky IV, and Adrienne died in Rocky Balboa.









I think one or two of them died in RL also.  I know Meredith did, and I think the actor who played Creed did also.  Will have to check that on Google.

Formerly Ford1224
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I have a question for those who saw the movie Creed with Sylvester Stallone.  I didn't see the movie.


I'm curious.  Do you who saw the movie think that the young man who played the lead in this movie should have been up for an award?


I'm not asking if he should have gotten it and Stallone not have gotten it.  I'm asking if you think he was as good as Stallone and should have been up for an award too?


I have seen parts of the movie and he seemed like an amazing actor.  I just wonder if Sylvester Stallone's nomination was one because 'it was time for him to get nominated'?  


I think it's such a subjective thing to give out awards for something like this (another popularity contest).


I didn't see most of the movies up for awards.  I used to go to the movies all of the time, but not much anymore, so I have no idea who's good and who's better.


I know there are some here who have seen several of the movies mentioned, what do you think of the nominations?


I just find it hard to believe that none of the black actors in some of these movies was worthy of even getting mentioned.


What is your opinion?  Again, I don't know.  I respect the opinion of many of you, that's why I'm asking.  Otherwise I will wonder if these other black actors are right.  I don't think it comes down to race, I think it comes down to familiarity and a popularity contest. 


What do you guys think? Just comment on the actors in the movies you saw and if you agree.  I don't even know what movies or people are nominated, so I'm totally ignorant in this.

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I saw the movie and thought Sylvester was great.   Michael Jordan was also great, but I don't think he would have been nominated for a supporting actor role.  His part was bigger and maybe he should have been up for a best actor category.   The movie was fantastic!!

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@snowball Thank you.  I just saw Sylvester Stallone say he told Michael Jordan that if he felt Stallone shouldn't go, he would not go to the awards ceremony.  He said Jordan said, "No.  You definitely need to go".

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Sylvester really likes Michael Jordan.   He thought his performance was great and they could not find a better actor to play that part.  

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@snowball I remember after the movie was made or being made Stallone said he talked with Jordan and he said he made sure Jordan understood the commitment that would be required to get ready and to do the roll.  He said he was convinced he (Jordan) was up to it, and he said he knew he was right.

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I  loved this movie and was pleasantly surprised to find the young lead was one of my favorite actors from the TV show Friday Night Lights.  He was excellent in this role but I did not feel it was worthy of an Academy Award nomination.