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I am watching Mama June and I cannot believe Sugar Bear.  Never knew he had such a temper. 

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Wow cool!

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He doesn't have any money don't know how he could afford a lawyer to draw up snot. He probably just wants the kid so he can make money off of her celebrity. I'd like to see a make over on that Jennifer. Mama June isn't going to have to worry about her for to long. Nature will take it's course sooner or later. All that stress and her being 300 pds overwgt.


That was funny when Jennifer said her big ol' son would take care of Sugar Bear if he got out of control in her house. He's another one that could push back from the table.


I feel sorry for Alanna no wonder she's the way she is. Pray she doesn't spend to much time with Jennifer ! Kid will come home looking like Orca

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Saw a clip of Mama June when she was on Wendy Williams.


She threw Sugar Bear under the bus calling him an abuser.


One lol moment was when she referred to Sugar's teeth.


She called them summer teeth.  Some are here, some are there.


They both disgust me.



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I have always been suspicious of anyone who comes across as mild and meek.   The ones I've known always seem calm, take whatever life dishes out and deals with it, but when they've had enough, they explode.   I have always suspected Sugar Bear was one to be watched.  

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I've never seen any of their "shows," but here's what I think FWIW. Of course, I've read about her weight loss - how could you miss it? And I don't believe she went "from a size 16 to a size 4." If she was that far over her ideal weight, there is no way she was wearing a size 16! 


Here's another thing I've learned: ALL "reality" type shows are SCRIPTED - even this one. The more outrageous they act, the more money they make. These people are probably not quite as ridiculous in real life. They're laughing all the way to the bank (as my grandmother would say!)! Smiley Wink

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Sugar Bear must have something under the hood.

All the gals seem to be attracted to him.


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Beach-mom:  I believe they mentioned that she started as a size 24 and is now a 4.  Maybe when you watched she was at a 16?  Regardless, I applaud her weight loss.  It's not an easy task no matter how she lost it.

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@SharkE wrote:

Sugar Bear must have something under the hood.

All the gals seem to be attracted to him.


@SharkE   Under the hood.......LOL.   Have you ever seen the gals he's been with ?


His current wife must weigh 400 lbs.


And even if he's got it good under the hood, that's still a big ewwww.   

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I totally agree that reality shows are scripted with the intent to draw viewers into the on-screen drama.  


With June Shannon and Mike Thompson, the drama is already there; the network is scripting and enhancing their personal drama to create a bigger draw.   They met online; met in person to simply "hook up", which eventually resulted in a pregnancy.   June and Mike stayed together to parent Alana, and create a family unit, which didn't work out long term.   Now they've split ways, but still have a young daughter to raise.   I seriously doubt June and Mike have a legal custodial arrangement for Alana, but definitely need one, and I think the network scripting of the coming storylines will show the importance of such a judgment.   


Thanks to the internet, and social media, there are many people who have created the exact same situation as June and Mike; we're just seeing their redneck version played out on TV.