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Re: MAJOR CRIMES - Premiers tomorrow (Monday)2015

[ Edited ]

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

I really like Major Crimes and I was happy with the season premier.


I'm glad that Andy is okay. He's one of those characters I hate seeing bad things happen to. I loved it when Rusty said he only had only a few thousand viewers and most of them didn't like him. That was a great joke from the writers, who know that Rusty is not liked by actual Major Crimes viewers.


Why or based on what??    


Well, I really like Rusty .... I doubt that everyone who watches the show dislikes him.

Social media and blog posts were full of people who hated Rusty when he first appeared on The Closer and into the first season or two of Major Crimes. This post is from 2014, but I think it covers the whole "everyone hates Rusty" thing well.


I like him much more now, but I hated him in the beginning.There was too much focus on him, the whole trial thing was tedious, then he had a stalker and that was even worse. Plus he whined a lot, made poor decisions, and was a general pain. I get that there's a reason for his character to be there and I do like the way the team interacts with him, but I still hated him.


I started to like him this season. I think the episode where he dealt with Sharon's ex and her biological children was a really strong one and I appreciated the way his character finally started to care about people other than himself. When Julio told him about the Jane Doe and he worked so hard to find her true identity, that's when I really started to accept and like Rusty.