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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

@colliemom4 wrote:

Matt certainly is crazy about Jackson though it's nice to see. I thought Amy would be more excited about having a grandkids and I know she is yet Matt is over the moon to be a grandparent. Especially with Jackson.

They are so cute togetherSmiley Happy

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

There is always a cliff hanger from week to week.

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

[ Edited ]

@faeriemoon wrote:

@threecees wrote:

My favorite part of tonights show was when Matt and Caryn took 

Jackson to their house while Tori was in labor. Funny with Caryn

cooking spaghetti.


Otherwise it was a kind of boring episode. Especially with Amy and

Chris going to the Sherwin Williams store to look at paint colors.


Apparently they (producers) felt the need to drag out the birth into two episodes.  Agree; mostly boring.


Plus I was a wreck with Jackson sitting on the counter and hanging out too close to the stove.  And what was with Matt (the dolt) not watching him while Caryn was attempting to cook?  Clearly she's not great at it, plus she had to watch Jackson.  He couldn't get off his phone and help?



I think he was that way with Amy, as well, when their kids were young. Karen even said that she is not much for cooking and seemed a little stressed out having to attempt cooking and watch Jackson at the same time. He probably misses the days of Amy's great meals.  I remember, though, back in the early years of the show, their house always looked like a tornado had come through.  Kitchen was always cluttered and kids rooms were wall to wall mess! I don't think Matt helped in the house with anything.

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

@Sapphiregal I very much enjoyed watching little Jackson helping Daddy fold clothes, and twirling his spaghetti. I taught my boys  how to help, they loved it and even today they really help run their houses, and thank me.

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

I could see Caryn getting upset with Matt when all he did was look at his phone when she needed help to keep Jackson occupied while she fixed dinner.  I don't blame her. Maybe she would have shown her displeasure more if it wasn't on camera.  Matt is a good planner and a good delegator.  I don't think he does much of the physical work.  The same for all the projects on the farm.  He draws up the plans and someone else builds it.  He volunteered to take Jackson while Tori was in the hospital - Caryn can do all the work.  Maybe Amy had a reason to be upset with Matt....just saying.


What upset me about the show was that no one keeps an eye on the dog, Murphy.  When he got into the garbage it was like no big thing.  They laughed it off.  Why they ever got a dog at this stage of their lives is beyond me.  I would think the dog would be happier running around on the farm.  I would like to think that if the dog got into something really bad, the camera people would shout out to Tori and Zach.


I noticed on the ads for Outdaughtered, they have a puppy.  Aren't their hands full enough?  They complain about money all the time.  A dog isn't cheap if you take care of it properly.  Okay, rant done. Woman Surprised

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

@tends2dogs wrote:

I could see Caryn getting upset with Matt when all he did was look at his phone when she needed help to keep Jackson occupied while she fixed dinner.  I don't blame her. Maybe she would have shown her displeasure more if it wasn't on camera.  Matt is a good planner and a good delegator.  I don't think he does much of the physical work.  The same for all the projects on the farm.  He draws up the plans and someone else builds it.  He volunteered to take Jackson while Tori was in the hospital - Caryn can do all the work.  Maybe Amy had a reason to be upset with Matt....just saying.


What upset me about the show was that no one keeps an eye on the dog, Murphy.  When he got into the garbage it was like no big thing.  They laughed it off.  Why they ever got a dog at this stage of their lives is beyond me.  I would think the dog would be happier running around on the farm.  I would like to think that if the dog got into something really bad, the camera people would shout out to Tori and Zach.


I noticed on the ads for Outdaughtered, they have a puppy.  Aren't their hands full enough?  They complain about money all the time.  A dog isn't cheap if you take care of it properly.  Okay, rant done. Woman Surprised

They don't watch Jackson or the dog.

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

I think Caryn is not going  to put up with it.  He never got up to help at all.  Caryn acts like she has not had kids.  Whats with Jackson sitting on the counter not only close to the stove but on the edge of the counter.  Then he got into the cabinets and no one said anything.  

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

So I didn't see any promos for next week's episode--which is season finale?.  Anyone know what it will be about?  I missed this week's show. Is it still Tori giving birth?

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

I'm thinking Lilah will make her appearance.  Can't believe next week is the finale.  Just like sister wives nothing special happened.  Well Amy got engaged.  


What are the grandkids suppose to call Karen?  I thought Amy said something but I didn't hear the whole thing.

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Re: Lilah's Arrival on Little People 5/12

@sunshine 919 ...I believe they are calling Caryn, Cha Cha.  I heard Amy stumble over it when Caryn and Matt came to pick up Jackson at Zach & Tori's house.  Later, at Matt's house, he said something (probably to Jackson) and referred to Caryn as Cha Cha.  I'm not a Caryn fan but I thought that was a cute name for the grandkids to call her.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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