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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Last nights Christmas lights show

Drat ! missed that forgot to watch or Tivo. Anybody know if they

will show it again ? LIke to see how people put out all that money

for Xmas decorations.

DH and I always sit and wonder how much their electric bill must run

a month. LOL

Honored Contributor
Posts: 31,082
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Re: Last nights Christmas lights show

They did back to back shows; two shows was too much for me to watch at one time.  I watched the first hour.  I enjoy that how, I also wonder about their electric bill.  I also wonder about the expense of those displays and the time they put into them.  It's not a holiday project for them,  it' a lifestyle for them and for their entire families.  And then I am ever so thankful that I don't live on the same street or near any of them!  The noise, the lights, the gawkers, the traffic.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,700
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Last nights Christmas lights show


@SharkE wrote:

Drat ! missed that forgot to watch or Tivo. Anybody know if they

will show it again ? LIke to see how people put out all that money

for Xmas decorations.

DH and I always sit and wonder how much their electric bill must run

a month. LOL

My neighbor Scott around the corner won a few years ago.  It was a nightmare at Christmas to go home because it's a cul d sac.  He had a pot out there for donations.  That is what paid his electric bill. I can't tell you what it was, but when I see him walking the dog, I will ask.

 He did it for years until he won.  He then gave everything he made to another neighbor up the street from me, who has been doing it for the last two years.  Nothing like Scotts.  He started in Sept. everything was hand crafted.  Scott also does toothpick bridges, houses, and different things.  One was at the Acadamy of Science in SF.  Another couple in SR at the fair bldg.  Various places.  This man is an Artist.