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Kathy Griffin to leave The Fashion Police

Claiming its her idea but who knows. So that leaves Giuliana, the weakest link, from the original cast.

I wish they would just end the show. But E! is making good money and Melissa Rivers seems unlikely to find employment anyplace else.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Kathy Griffin to leave The Fashion Police

I agree with the OP. Joan made that show. She was the star. They need to just say, 'It had a good run.....let's end it'.

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Registered: ‎10-08-2011

Re: Kathy Griffin to leave The Fashion Police

I never thought Kathy was a good fit and not sure that Kelly knows all that much about fashion either so please take this show in a positive direction with real fashion experts that aren't just there to make crude jokes. Aren't there any witty fashion experts available?? And that's not Khloe. I'm still confused because a female voice chimed in to Giuliana's comments with the one word weed and then Giuliana repeated it unfortunately but I thought that was Kathy's voice?? It obviously wasn't Kelly. If so why is Kathy saying now that she would never had agreed to making that type of demeaning comment if in fact she added a comment that made it even worse??

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Registered: ‎12-16-2012

Re: Kathy Griffin to leave The Fashion Police

Guiliana said both Patchouli oil and weed. Hear it for yourself. According to the many articles on Kathy's leaving, most indicate there was much more behind the scenes than just Guiliana's comment that caused friction. it had a lot to do with the producing of the show.