Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,734
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

They have to have pledges to stay alive. Did you every count commercials on the. Networks. At least PBS gives decent programs for the brain and not all the trash out there today. Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga had a ninety minute special on there as few months back. Furthermore our vets during Memorial and Fourth of July with Gary Senese and the actor from Criminal minds. Also Downton Abbey along with the other mysteries. Good documentaries. You don,t have to be a millionaire to pledge and support.
Super Contributor
Posts: 266
Registered: ‎01-05-2012

Re: Does anyone know when PBS pleding will conclude?

I don't think it ever ends.

I give once a year but continue to receive mailings and emails. There are often requests at the end of programs, both on tv and radio.

If everyone gave who listens or watches gave just a little, there would be no necessity for "pledge breaks". PBS might do a better job of choosing "specials". The airing of "Les Miserables" broke records for donations.