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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

USA on Thursdays but there are only 2 episodes left and you would need to see it from the beginning.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Well, I sit and watch useless shows with useless information. Unfortunately I don't remember numbers very good anymore (old age).

I do know that many extra hours are filmed and it's edited down. They would have a lot to work with.

I did read (maybe it's already here) that after they filmed a small part of the show in August they had to move to New Mexico because of the violence on the Gaza strip. So, instead of looking at Jerusalem, you're looking at a place in Albuquerque.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Thursday reminder, it's on tonight!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Thanks Desi, what would I do if I didn't have you? Don't want to know! Smiley Happy

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Thanks, Desi. DVR set.

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab. and 2 cockers, you are welcome, happy to help! Watching it now, really good so far!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series


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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Just finished it. Knew that girl was evil from way back but when he read that in the bible about the Devil and people all around him evil, I knew it was her, just didn't know she was that bad a..s,.S.

Also knew Anne Heche was going to bite the bullet the minute she found out 'the big secret'.

OK, so I had my ears and eyes covered when I thought they were going to kill that poor calf.

My late husband used to make fun of me because he'd say, "You can sit and watch people's heads get cut off (in a movie) but you won't even watch an animal get slapped". He's right!

I am soooo sick of that little snot kid with the big forehead. Could they have found an uglier kid? I don't think so.

I would have thought she'd have gone up to kill that crazy guy, ut she didn't.

Does anyone ever answer their phone? Why didn't he just tell Peter and leave a message?

What are all of you guy's thoughts?

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annabelle, I'm pretty sure that I saw Anne Heche in the preview for next week so looks like she isn't dead. Pretty grisly the way it ended for poor Golan. Can't wait to see the finale next week!

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Re: Dig: USA Orders New Event Series

Annab., I agree with Blu CB, think Lynn is still alive too. Seems if we don't see them really looking dead, they aren't. I feel bad that Golan was killed but like you, figured Emma was still part of the evil plot. She was so persistent with Peter, maybe a pregnancy with him is part of the plot? With so many good guys getting killed, maybe there will be some sort of resurrection? No idea, but like you, very glad Red is still okay. Guess the seemingly bad at first Essenes are really good? Wouldn't cloning a red calf be cheating or does technology being capable of creating her be okay in fulfilling the prophecy? What's undetectable in Reverend Billingsley's huge shipment of books? ITA, would be easier to kill the kid in the psych ward than a cop, but maybe they have plans for him too?

No idea but it's really good!