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Just was a snipet on her on CBS This Morning.  I always loved her!  She's turning 90 and says she has always been a vegetarian.  Says something for being a vegetarian.  I think about it sometimes.  She also talked about her name in Young Frankenstein and remember the horses would always neigh when she said her name?  Well, she said Mel Brooks said her name meant "glue" thus the horses neighing.   During the interview her neighbors horses started neighing - it was cute.  She seems really sweet. 

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@hoosieroriginal  Thanks for posting that.  I like her too.  

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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@hoosieroriginal  Thanks for posting that.  I like her too.  

She lives with one of her daughters - I bet she was a fun mom!

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Well, if she is like my Mother was she was a fun grandmother.  My Mother had a spirit like Ms. Leachman but as she got older I found that she was more family oriented and wanted to be with her grandchildren.


She seems like someone who was a driven personality.  Not bad, just knew what she wanted and didn't take any mouth from the "youngsters telling her what shows to be on or movies to make".


I think you're right.  People like her have spirit and are probably fun to be around.  My mother used to say, "If you want to feel old hang out with old people and listen to them talk about their aches and pains......or hang out with young people and let them remind you how great life is and get that spirit going".  (Something like that).


I love being around young people.  I've learned a lot from them.  I'll bet Ms Leachman is like that.

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I always liked Cloris Leachman too - am glad she's still around at 90.  But the Frau Blücher and glue story was investigated by Snopes and found to be untrue.


Snopes Frau Blücher

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Wish I had  Betty White's and Cloris's secret to long life and still being  interesting and current at 90...great genes helps I am sure!

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I remember during an interview years ago, Cloris said that when she and her five kids went to a drive in movie, they each took a bowl of pasta to eat while there.

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I saw her on CBS This Morning too and just the fact that she seems to be physcially and mentally well at almost 90 is fabulous. Too bad about gravity though, I don't think she's had work done and I admire her for that especially being in the entertainment business.

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Very talented lady - from drama (Last Picture Show) to comedy.


Loved her on The Middle!

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She was on a sitcom a few years ago and was the funniest character on the show. You might enjoy reading her autobiography.