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Castle Question about use of SIR

I watch Castle.

Question: Beckett calls her boss SIR. What am I missing. Is it procedure to use SIR even if the person is a woman

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

When the new director (this woman) was first introduced, she demanded that everyone call her "Sir."

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

Thanks, I don't remember that and that clears it up. I just could not figure it out.

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

According to Yahoo! Answers, in the 2011 season premiere that introduced Captain Victoria Gates (Penny Johnson Jerald) as the new commander, she demanded it, saying she "worked too hard to get here not to be called that."
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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

She's been on for a while and I still can't decide if I like her or not .... I guess that means I don't. I think her requiring that everyone call her ""Sir"" is stupid.

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

I just found the SIR odd and then I thought perhaps this was standard procedure somewhere. It does not bother me anymore. I am not sure I like her either.

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

While a consummate professional, Captain Victoria Gates (Penny Johnson Jerald) was difficult to read or relate to in her initial three seasons on the show. The first inkling of a backstory came on March 26th in "The Greater Good" (S6/Ep 19) when "investigating the death of a Wall Street trader leads Castle and Beckett to discover that the victim was an undercover informant for the U.S. Attorney's office."

In that ep, we discovered that Gates was estranged from her equally ambitious, highly motivated, no-nonsense sister, U.S. Attorney, Elizabeth Weston (Salli Richardson-Whitfield). It was almost poignant to see the reunion and reconciliation between them. I'd like to see that character return in future episodes. Who knew that Gates had a sister? Or a heart?

The only breath of new life in Castle was the introduction of his long-lost father, Jackson Hunt (James Brolin), a covert operative. We need more of him, too.

It was interesting at the end of S5 when Beckett landed her dream job with the federal government in Washington. This forced C&B apart and dealt with the issues that real couples experience in a long-distance relationship. Not that NYC and DC are that geographically distant, but at least it wasn't the claustrophobic stifling atmosphere of having them working together and living together, 24/7/365.

Of course, Castle continued popping up unexpectedly in D.C., ostensibly "to help" Beckett with her cases, but that later resulted in her termination. Apparently, the Feds don't take kindly to unauthorized civilian intrusion in the same way the NYPD does. Was that Castle's ulterior motive all along? If so, Mission: Accomplished!

Beckett returned to NY, was reinstated as a NYPD detective, because conveniently, her old job was still available and life returned to the status quo.

Castle needs to eliminate the absurd and downright silly plots, such as "That '70s Show" (S6/Ep20), with the ex-mobster who was stuck in the Disco Era, forcing everyone to break out the platform shoes and polyester leisure suits.

Amazingly, Castle has been renewed, despite cliche storylines and hackneyed plots. I'm sick of hearing about C&B's upcoming wedding, just like Booth and Brennan's on Bones. (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Monday's Castle ep promo-ed last-minute wedding problems: Beckett's already married. That's straight out of Angela and Hodgins on Bones. I'll give up watching Castle in a NY minute forever if they resort to the cliche of C&B having a baby, just like on Bones. Beyond boring!!!

Originally Detective Kate Beckett was the inspiration for best-selling mystery-thriller author Richard Castle's Nikki Heat character. Does Castle even write anymore or just live off royalties while tagging along as a pretend police officer?

Castle's numerous bumbling, untrained intrusions have hindered arrests, compromised cases and contaminated evidence. Based on that, even the nation's worst criminal defense attorney could get a client's conviction tossed. Exactly how long is this "unpaid police consultant" premise going to continue? Wouldn't a new administration (Mayor/Police Commissioner) seek to stop this cozy, casual, "consultant" arrangement that has an avocational dilettante dabbling in official police matters?

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

I saw that promo and thought about Angela and Hodgins ......

Now HOW could Kate be already married and not know it? Did she ALSO jump over a broom?

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

On 5/10/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

I saw that promo and thought about Angela and Hodgins ......

Now HOW could Kate be already married and not know it? Did she ALSO jump over a broom? {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

If they say it happened during a tropical island island vacation, the question is: HOW DRUNK was she? I'm picturing massive quantities of alcohol inside a coconut shell, a plastic straw and topped off by a colorful tiny paper umbrella.

Perhaps in order to add some degree of originality (too late!) to this tired old chestnut, they'll say it happened many years ago during Spring Break while Beckett still was in college.

More credible would be another long-forgotten ex-wife that Castle thought had been dealt with successfully and legally through annulment, but the paperwork never was signed, filed, etc.

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Re: Castle Question about use of SIR

On 5/10/2014 keri said:

Originally Detective Kate Beckett was the inspiration for best-selling mystery-thriller author Richard Castle's Nikki Heat character. Does Castle even write anymore or just live off royalties while tagging along as a pretend police officer?

For anyone interested, there are several companion books. You can find them on Amazon (search Nikki Heat). There were companion books for Murder, She Wrote, too.