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my head is spinning...clam down Susan Graver.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2013

Susan, I love you and I love the clothes you design!  I own many and they wear well and look stylish, but  I have a small favor to ask of you and I hope you won't be hurt... many times during a presentation you get so excited about your clothes and what will go with this or that, that you don't let the host/hostess give the viewers the colors!  Please just let the hostess go through the colors so that we don't miss out on a color or size we want! AFTER that,THEN tell us that 'this shirt goes so well with this pant' or whatever.  Please!

I get so frustrated when you stop the show host at every color and match things with it..and kinda go on and on while I'm sitting there phone-in-hand wanting to know what colors are available!

I've loved your line for about 20 years now and own many, many pieces, so please don't be hurt!  But I finally just had to speak up!

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 Susan, I own several pieces from your line..have liked watching the shows

 and seeing your clothes,but you need to curb your enthusiasm..also, stop walking 

 out at the start of each show wearing your sunglasses,it looks like a desperate plea

 to buy your merchandise.


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Dear Susan:

I own many of your fleece jackets in various styles and love them.  But, I feel the same way as krisso; please let the hosts show the colors before you talk about how to wear the item, what it goes with, etc...  I order on line, but like to see the colors of the actual items on television - it gives me a better idea of what the colors actually look like.  While you're talking, sometimes the items become limited, and I'm still waiting to see the colors!

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@portable28 wrote:

my head is spinning...clam down Susan Graver.



CLAM down? HUH?  LOL!

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎08-26-2015

I agree with the viewer who poted the comment about Susan Graver talking too much.  I love her clothing and own many of her items, but she needs to stop interuppting the host and let the host speak and do her job.  It is not polite to interupt someone as they are speaking.  Again I love Susan's clothing line but she needs to slow down her pace and let the host speak without constantly interuppting her.

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Registered: ‎08-27-2015

Hi, I am new to Susan's clothing line and absoultely love her her clothes!  I feel obsessed with tuning in to her shows now to see what's new.  Years ago I couldn't deal with the excessive energy protrayed on tv that I had to turn off qvc.  Especially when Susan interrupts the host or doesn't let her do her job.  Susan is a very smart designer and provides us with an abundant amount of beautiful and practical clothes that fit me nicely for which I am grateful for.  Thank you Susan for the spectactial work you do but please tone down your enthusiasam.i

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Re: Susan Graver

[ Edited ]

@june22 wrote:

@portable28 wrote:

my head is spinning...clam down Susan Graver.



CLAM down? HUH?  LOL!

Well, there is an expression "to clam up", so why not "clam down"?


Although I think we all know the OP meant "calm down".  And with that I have to agree.  I just cannot watch any of her shows and I'm afraid QVC will do nothing to address the situation.  There have been many complaints, requests, pleadings, threads over the years about it and nothing has changed.


Perhaps Susan is just incapable of "calming down"?  (Or......shriek!  Maybe this is her "calmed down" demeanor?)  Woman Surprised

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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎06-04-2015

Susan, Please, please, please -- in the name of all that is holy --  Hush!  It bothers me greatly that I cannot even watch your presentations anymore because I get agitated by your constant, interrupting chatter.  I truly do not mean to be hurtful, but I don't think you are getting the message.  I love, love, love your clothes and I miss watching you.  Every now and then I check back to see if things are better, but they never are.  I have even called the station to have them give you the message. You are doing yourself and QVC a great disservice by not hearing your public.  Please try.   

New Contributor
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

I turn whenever she comes on.  Even with the volume down I can't take it. But worst  of all is her interrupting of hosts.  That is rude and a poor example. The hosts are so gracious putting up with her. Her clothes might be great but I can't watch long enough to buy. 

I am surprised no one has addressed this with her successfully 


so many comments


this is not host bashing


just stating the facts

