Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,440
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Where are the mirrors???

@Nec1111 wrote:

I am not questioning Jamie's right to pick what she would like to wear.  She just needs to size up one or two sizes.  It is very distracting.  Like someone else said, I am not listening to the presentation, I wonder how she could even zipper the dress up without breaking the zipper.

And you don't think this is an unnecessary, unkind comment?  Clearly, she can zip the dress up and the zipper hasn't broken.


Women are so judgmental about other women.  How can we ever expect the rest of the world to stop judging us superficially, if we won't even do it ourselves.


Everyone on here who makes an unkind, critical comment about a woman based on her appearance, please post your (unretouched) full-length photos on here so we can all critique you!  I think it would be very interesting to strip away the anonymity of the Internet in these cases.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,440
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Where are the mirrors???

[ Edited ]

@Snowhite714 wrote:

I am not trying to be mean, but sitting here watching IT Cosmetics presentation and asking myself do these hosts and vendor reps not look in a mirror before they go out on stage?  Don't they have people that check them for makeup, wardrobe, or other issues that should be resolved before going on air???


Some of them always come out in too tight dresses, in light colors that they should not be in, in styles that are not flattering at all.  How can you look in the mirror, with the light on I'm assuming, and tell me that those too tight dresses, in the same style all the time look good on you, how is that possible??  I find it distracting, I spend more time wondering about your sense of style than I do watching the product presentation.


Come on people. let's get it together.


You know, I think that I have been reading these forums too long (and it's only been about a month) because some people are beginning to rub off on me and I hate that, because now I am becoming so negative.  But these on air personalities are in the business of selling us an image and they themselves don't even project that image.


Come on people, come on!!!

If you've only been on here a month and are blaming others for your "becoming so negative", I think you might want to rethink how easily swayed you are.


Perhaps the forums aren't a good place for you and you'd be better off spending your time around more positive people.  (Perhaps helping out at a soup kitchen, where you can see really important issues?  Just a suggestion.)


I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to help you find a way to retain your natural positivity.


(And your ID says you registered over a year ago, but you say you've only been on here "about a month"?)