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Posts: 8,958
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

No way to see my most recent messages?

OK, I AM a creature of habit, and for YEARS, I've gotten up, made the coffee, read my email, checked FB, and READ MY NEWEST POSTS HERE ON THE FORUM.
Has everybody else figured out how to do this?
I'm not even bothered by the moderator attempts to adhere to "Community Standards"- I actually think that's working better now.
I guess otherwise I pretty much can live with the changes, although I'm not sure why they were really necessary.
Oh yeah there's also the daily date thing.....
QVC Social Team
Posts: 704
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: No way to see my most recent messages?

[ Edited ]

Hello @violann! Here is a link to setting your preferences:


Setting Your Preferences


This blog is in the Welcome Get Started category along with other blogs with helpful information in them. 


Also, to have the date show on each post/thread;


Go to My Settings (left side of page) then click Preferences and then Display. Scroll down to where it says, “Use relative dates” and Uncheck the box. Then you will be able to see dates on all posts and threads.



Hope this helps!






Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,245
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: No way to see my most recent messages?

violann wrote:
OK, I AM a creature of habit, and for YEARS, I've gotten up, made the coffee, read my email, checked FB, and READ MY NEWEST POSTS HERE ON THE FORUM.
Has everybody else figured out how to do this?
I'm not even bothered by the moderator attempts to adhere to "Community Standards"- I actually think that's working better now.
I guess otherwise I pretty much can live with the changes, although I'm not sure why they were really necessary.
Oh yeah there's also the daily date thing.....


I'm not exactly sure to what you are referring.  Do you mean that you want to read all recent posts first or only the topics to which you have replied or a thread that you have started?


To put your posts/topics in the order you like, go to "Edit My Preferences" at the left under Quick Links.  Go through the various choices, such as "Linear Layout Settings", "Topic Layout", "Home Page" and you will find various options to check as to how your pages are layed out.


To find the latest of your own postings, type your nickname in the search box at the top right of the screen ("Search Forums & Blogs"), then in the box to the right ("Community"), use the drop down arrow and click on "Users"  then click "Go".  It should bring up your personal information.  There, in tiny little gray letters should be your post count (among other information about your) with a little bubble to the left.  If you put your cursor over the number of posts and click, it should take you to a page with all your recent posts. 


Remember in order for all this to work, you have to be signed in.


Also, there are various posts/thread with helpful tips both in the "Welcome Get Started" catagory and here in the "Suggestion Box".  Search for ChynnaBlue (in the search box like you did for your own posts)--she has a tips thread with many helpful tips from many people.


I hope this helps you a little!  If not, keep asking and someone is sure to be able to answer you!