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Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

The Q is going to have us all burnt out on Christmas, before the season is even here!  I find it very tacky they way they are trying to shove it down our throats!  Let us enjoy summer, and autumn, please!  I realize you make money from all the cheap trinkets you pawn off during the holidays, but you're running Christmas in the ground!  Please, find a new selling tactic!

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

I prefer doing things in the correct season.  There's no anticipation, and as a society we seem to rush through the seasons to get from one seasonal event to another.  As a child, I remember waiting for the fall and Halloween decorations to be put outside.  Then, after Thanksgiving around the 2nd week in December, everyone in our neighborhood would start decorating for Christmas.  Now, all the Christmas decorations and merchandise will be in the stores before Halloween, with the constant Christmas music to follow!

I think it ruins the holidays, giving us nothing to look forward to.  I'm sick of it all by the time Christmas is here!   

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

Not only is all the Christmas stuff repetitive and annoying, but not all QVC customers are Christian.  There is precious little to no Chanukah merchandise either.  Also zillions of crosses in jewelry and no Stars of David, Chais or other jewelry or merchandise for other faiths. 


I've been a member since 1988, so I DO know what I've seen over the years and it hasn't been much.

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

I absolutely LOVE Christmas, but watching Christmas shows in the summer (for me) is like watching paint dry... I just can't stand it.  I have enough Christmas "stuff" to open my own Seasonal Store and am just not interested so I don't even turn it on during those days......  JMHO



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

I totally agree!


What now---Easter in February?

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

Love the shows - stayed home from work to watch!  Much rather see these shows than Vitamix, Dyson, computers and all the other........

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

Well, I'm anxiously awaiting Easter in November.  I love Easter and I can't to get a jump start on the holiday. 

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

Some people enjoy the holiday-theme items in July.  And QVC, for the most part, presents the items. well.  Speaking for myself, most  QVC shopping is done on the computer, so one can pick and choose what to look at. And I enjoy some of the holiday items.   Might be sounding a bit judgmental here--which at this age I try to avoid--but some might wonder if the TV program is unpleasant, consider turning to another channel or turning off the TV and take up another activity.   Wish you the best.  Thank You

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Registered: ‎08-14-2015

Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

I so agree, we had to live through it in July, now it's mid August and more Christmas, yuck, I'm tuning out QVC more often than not this summer

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Re: Enough already with Christmas items in summer!

If someone wasn't buying, it wouldn't be shown.