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Posts: 743
Registered: ‎08-03-2010

O/T Smart Phone Comparison/Experience

I am asking for your input/experience with two different smartphones.

The Thunderbolt and the iPhone (32 gb). I am looking to choose a smartphone and I need to be able to access the Internet, download music and books (through the Kindle app) and take some pictures.

I visited the shop in person and saw them both, held them in my hand and both are okay with weight. Now, I need to choose.

I figured I would ask. I read reviews on both phones and people either seem to rave about each one or absolutely hate each one.

The salesman said that the apps on the iPhone cost $ and on the Thunderbolt, they are free a lot of the time, which I like. The Thunderbolt runs on the Android system. The iPhone runs on Apple software.

I do not want to go straight for the iPhone purely of the hype in the media.

Thanks for sharing your experience!