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Good morning ~ It's Trending Tuesday!    


walker, glad you had such a delicious dinner.  Ribeyes are so good!  Hope the weather stays nice so you can keep on grilling.  Flowers on the deck - sounds so pretty.  Were you able to get the ones you wanted?  


No news here - same old DVS.  Thankful for no rain today We will be 86 with a little wind.  I am still tired and I think taking too many UBs for it is wht is causing me to be more tired🤔😒  Must move more!!!


Tootie, hope you enjoyed the kiddos and good weather for grilling!


Shout out to kittyfan ~ 👋🌺 


                    Have a good day!


Passing the coffee ~

K - Ketchup

L - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... cookie, I think you could be right about being tired from taking your UB's ... you might have to cut back on those 😉😂 ... really though, I wish we could use WandaWand to make things better!


walker, glad you enjoyed your "opening meal" on the grill ... more to come ... we have all of our flowers that DH wanted this year but they are not planted yet ... with all the wind that we have been having we have to keep taking our hanging pots down and putting them on the patio ... for some reason the wind direction has changed and those poor plants get annihilated ...


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋


I heard on the news yesterday that the Canadian fires have started up again and we may be in for another "smokey" summer 😲 ... some states are already affected by it ... not sure how they can have so many fires??!


Well, off I go to get ready for the kids ... we'll have a warm 73 degree day but there is a chance of rain this afternoon ... we may be able to get out for a little while this morning.


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


L ~ Leftovers



ETA ~ waited and waited and DS never showed up with the kids ... I texted him "hey aren't you bringing the kids today?" he texted back "I thought you were watching them tomorrow I just dropped them off at daycare." I said "oh DS, you are losing it!!" hahaha ... so now I have a free day and luckily we can watch them tomorrow.

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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☔️


Tootie, enjoy your unscheduled day off...😆..funny about DS and mix-up!  Good thing you can still do it tomorrow.

Also, I am doing the same thing with my hanging baskets...up, down, up, down...had rain and wind the last two nights.


cookie, I got lazy yesterday and did not go out for flowers....sometime this week though.  Hope you start to feel perkier soon.  Tell yourself that every couple of hours..get up and walk around.  I always feel like I lock up if I sit too long.  

I heard the news report about Canadian fires and our air quality again too.  😳 WHAT?  

kittyfan, hope you and pups are doing good there.  Did they finally solve your A/C...drip, drip...problem?


Bye for now....Happy Terrific Trending Taco or Not Tuesday....😁!  

M ..... Minced Garlic


NEXT ... N 



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Posts: 5,151
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  It's  Way Out Wednesday!


I lost my response!!  Darn Gremlins!  We will be 90 today!  Good day to stay inside even though I would love to walk outside back and forth on the patio but too many Canine friends make it difficult to stay balanced. I am taking your advice walker - get up and walk! I do make it a point to get up and walk to the Laundry Room from m room (100') and back every 20 minutes or so.  Feels good to move!  


Tootie, have a good time with the kids today. Hope your weather cooperates.  If you need some sun - we've got some to spare.  I have not heard much on the Canadian Fire.  I guess I'm under a rock again.  Too much compiling and filing.  


Shout out to kittyfan ~ 🌺👋


                                  Have a good day!

Passing the coffee ~


N - Navel Oranges      

O- next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... cookie, good for you getting up and moving around ... every little bit helps! ... yikes 90 degrees?? I can see why you don't get outside ... that's hot!


We had a beautiful sunny and warm day yesterday ... I got some more of my outdoor "knick-knacks" out ... DH planted a couple plants in our back garden ... my ornamental grass is taking over though and I think those flowers are going to be covered by it soon! ... and DH even dug some of that grass out last season ...


Shout out to walker 👋 ... and kittyfan 👋, we haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well!


Off I go ... we'll have a cloudy 68 degree day ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


O ~ Oatmeal


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤️🇺🇸


Happy Wednesday!  Hot and happy in TX!  Stay in and stay cool, cookie and kittyfan.  We will have near 70 comfort zone 70-80. 😊


Glad you are moving more, cookie.  As Tootie said, "every little bit helps" but use your walker or something to stay steady.  HA...listen to me....sounding like a parent...🙄...used to do that to my mom and she didn't like it.  Sometimes my DD does it to me too.  That's life....😅.

Good that people care, eh?


Tootie, your ornamental grass must be like my hostas...they grow and grow....easiest plant to grow ever!

Have fun with the kids today ..... outside day....👍.


All for now.....errands this morning.....see you later.


P .... Popcorn


Q .... Quiche Pan


NEXT ....R 



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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Just popping in for a minute.  cookie, I was thinking of you today as I did my daily jigsaw puzzle.  I think you do those too.  Today was a picture with three cute kittens.  Did you see that one?


I went to my two stores today...💸. Prices go up...quantity is less in packaging! 🤨 DH will grill burgers tonight...👍.  I made a batch of cookies and delivered some to DIL's sister's house.  DIL's nephew took pictures at our anniversary party.  He loves the cookies so gave him some along with a gift card to the A store as a thank you.


Just took walk....beautiful day.  Hope you had good weather to be outside with kids, Tootie.


👋👋 to kittyfan.  Have you heard of or read the book called The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore?  DIL told me about it....sounds good.  After I finish The Women, I will look for it at library.


See you tomorrow.


R .... Rye Bread


NEXT ... S 

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Good afternoon


Cookie:  I agree qith keeping moving.  


Tootie:  cute story about littles.


Walker:  I have not heaRD OF THIS BOOK but wll look into it.


There is a lovely flowerbed in the courtyard.  A neighbor worked hard planting  With the rains plants flourishing,


No news in my word.


S:  salsa


T:  Next









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Posts: 7,693
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hello friends ... kittyfan, good to see you! ... I bet those flowers look really good ... the potted ones that we got have really taken off too!!


walker, glad you were able to enjoy a nice walk ... very nice gesture to your DIL's nephew ... I'm sure he'll love both!!


We had a nice day here ... a bit chilly/windy but still able to let the kids outside to run their energy off!! we had planned on going to the water but LS sometimes still needs a morning nap (and today she did!! 😬) so LG played outside while she napped ... and after their afternoon nap they both ran like crazy out in the yard.


I will be on a little later tomorrow morning ... DH has an early appointment for Mohn's surgery ... they said he can drive himself but I still want to go.


Have a good night ... see you tomorrow.


T ~ Tuna


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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Back again....want to wish your DH well with his Mohs surgery tomorrow, Tootie.  I have had several of those.  I am so prone to skin cancers.  Depending on location of surgery, patient can go by themselves.  But, good idea to go along or drive him.  Mine have been mostly on face and DH usually took me.  My last one was a little more extensive than I expected and glad DH drove me.  He dropped me off and came back because it can run a few hours.  They take a layer of skin wait...they test...all clear you are done...if not, repeat until bad cells are clear.  I always had 3-4 repeats.  Good luck to him!  It is a good procedure.


kittyfan, happy to see you today.  Enjoy the pretty flowers before summer heat makes them wilt.


OK...good night all!


U ..... pass for cookie.....


NEXT .... U!