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Boiled eggs smell

[ Edited ]

 I moved this question to a New topic.....


I'm having a few health issues, one is muscle loss. I need a ton of protein and eggs would be ideal. I also need quick, no fuss items to reach for....  1 or 2 hard boiled eggs each day would make me not think about what I need to prepare and just grab something.(sometimes I'm just too tired)


The problem is I don't cook them, or store them because we really dislike the smell which stays in our house all day, even days after.


Is there a way to prevent or tamper the smell while cooking and being stored in the fridge?




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I sure hope someone knows the answer to this because I have the same protein problem.  I can't bear the smell f eggs boiling either.💝🌸

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With boiled eggs, it's hard.  If you want to peel hard-boiled eggs before storing them, try wrapping their top and bottom with a damp cloth or napkin.Then, place the eggs in a properly sealed container. This will keep their natural moisture, making hard-boiled eggs fresh when in storage. Also, this will help keep the bad odor in your ref.  good luck!

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Re: Boiled eggs smell

[ Edited ]

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Try my method...


Place eggs in a and cover with cold water by 1 inch.

Bring to a boil, then cover the pot and turn off the heat.

Depending how you cook, you may need to set off the stove!


Let the eggs cook, covered, for 12-16 minutes...
depending on how 'done' you like them.


Transfer the eggs to and chill. 


This makes the eggs easier to peel. Peel and enjoy!


The eggs do not actually 'boil.'


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@skittles2  When I use an egg cooker, I don't seem to have the problem with the boiled egg smell. 

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@skittles2   Egglands Best makes hard boiled eggs, already peeled. You can find them with the fresh eggs at the supermarket. There are, I believe, 6 eggs per package.  I buy them to use for egg salad, deviled eggs and to just eat. I hate boiling eggs too.

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I am right there with you not just with the odor but with the taste too.  Only tried one time while holding my nose and it did not go well.  And deviled eggs cannot even be in my sight path.  I suggest try other high protein sources instead, such as cottage cheese & yogurt.  They are basically grab 'n go too, other than maybe spooning the cottage cheese into a dish.  If you can eat nuts & nut butters those are good protein sources too. 😊

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A little more costly but you can buy pkgs of hard boiled eggs, already cooked and peeled at your grocer. Uusually comes in pkgs of 2 or 6, once opened they will stay fresh up to a week. I buy them all the time. 

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I thought I was the only one. I can't stand the smell of eggs, being boiled, fried, or prepared in any form. Most people love them....nope, not for me. 

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What smell? I cook eggs all the time and have never smelled anything? I cook mine in my pressure cooker---fast easy and they always peel--now  there is a smell to peeling eggs but not from cooking them---in my world anyway. I put them, unpeeled in a bowl in the refer.