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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

@60sgirl wrote:

@newlook456 wrote:

Mooinchilde, you must be a lawyer because you pick out certain words and use them against me.  Touche!  I also said they were funny.  No I didn't participate in being cruel and nasty.  And the trolls - well I did complain to management once when one troll in particular used obscene words over and over again in many forums.  Then QVC overhauled the whole forum and made it better with oversight included.

@newname0you did exactly the same thing! You wrote a sentence that included 4 traits and said the OP picked certain words to use against you, then you answer by picking out one of those words (funny) saying that was why you used to enjoy the forums.


I think in all honesty since we know so many old posters left to go to other "freer" forums, they too like(d) being able to have no boundaries put upon them. 


As for me, I rarely buy anymore, sometimes watch when I'm, taking a break, bought 2 items in the past year, reviewed them on the reviews board but did not come here and complain or bash them.  The only host I really enjoy anymore is David because he is sincere and always kind to callers and vendors and seems genuinely a happy, good person. Oh, and Carolyn. But I don't come to the forums and rake the others over the coals, I just don't watch them. 



I too love David, and Carolyn (and now Mary) for those reasons.


The OP also clarified her first post. She's not really referring to *everyone* who doesn't buy, or doesn't buy or watch very much, who still posts on the forums. She's speaking of posters who aren't really part of the "discussion/sharing/helping" aspect of the community, but those who ONLY post to say they don't buy, "don't post (LOL)", and every post they make is trashing some aspect of QVC. They don't actually participate in anything but bashing - every post.

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

There is one poster here whom I never seen say anything about a product, leading me to believe he hasn't bought one, but who always defends QVC no matter what.  An employee of QVC's maybe? or a consultant to QVC?  Always defending QVC but seemingly never buying, as I don't see products discussed.  Only QVC policies defended.  So to answer the thread question - perhaps someone paid to keep defending QVC and its policies.

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

@Pearlee I too believe there are "plants" on the forums, people that pretend to be customers but they actually work for QVC. They are very obvious in the defending of QVC no matter what the subject is. They will giove you very long answers to explain why you are wrong and QVC is right.

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

@Mindy D wrote:

I do purchase here, but I'd still post here because there is nowhere where a community has so much knowledge about so many things. I also like the other posters. I do wish we could discuss controversial issues but I understand how this could have some problematic results. It is clear to me that QVC wishes we would go away. The blogs and forums entry is in tiny letters way down at the bottom of the page. You can easliy shop here and never notice it exists. Thank you, Community, for all of your past help.

Oh it's a very wide internet out there. I would not describe this forum as being a huge base of knoweldge. Not at all, except for QVC products. The posters here do know a lot about QVC and it's products. Which is why I post here. 

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

Just because some posters tend to comment positively about QVC instead of negatively doesn't make them "plants" anymore than it makes the negative posters something unsavory.


BTW, I can't count on just a few hands (if I had more than two) the number of purchases I've made here. Yet I enjoy the boards. Go figure.

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

@suzyQ3 wrote:

Just because some posters tend to comment positively about QVC instead of negatively doesn't make them "plants" anymore than it makes the negative posters something unsavory.


BTW, I can't count on just a few hands (if I had more than two) the number of purchases I've made here. Yet I enjoy the boards. Go figure.

@suzyQ3  If mine is one of the posts you are referencing, that isn't what I said or meant.  Maybe you mean someone else's post(s). 

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

@Pearlee wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

Just because some posters tend to comment positively about QVC instead of negatively doesn't make them "plants" anymore than it makes the negative posters something unsavory.


BTW, I can't count on just a few hands (if I had more than two) the number of purchases I've made here. Yet I enjoy the boards. Go figure.

@suzyQ3  If mine is one of the posts you are referencing, that isn't what I said or meant.  Maybe you mean someone else's post(s). 

@Pearlee, you ended your post (#32) with "So to answer the thread question - perhaps someone paid to keep defending QVC and its policies."


Isn't that the slang definition of the word "plant"?

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

Who really cares? I have purchased a lot and then none through the years and then bought  a few things. Bottom line is thru the years I have made some fantastic friends on these boards. Have met quite a few and visited some. The sad part is I have lost a lot also. Guess if you put it all together it is life.

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Re: Why post here if you don't purchase here?

@Moonchilde wrote:

I understand why posters might stay on the forums even if they don't buy much and they don't feel QVC is perfect. It is a community and they have made friends, and much of the discussion isn't QVC-related.


What I find annoying are posters who whine and bish with every post (and who are very frequent posters while protesting vehemently that they are not) about how anything and everything to do with QVC - the merchandise, the quality, selection, prices, s&h, hosts, vendors, dress codes, corporate policies, you name it - sux. And have been repeating themselves verbatim for at 3-5 years.


The "weight" of their criticism is not going to change anything. Hello, if it hasn't in 4 years....


So - staying here to socialize, I get that. Staying here to whine like a 10 year old? Well, I "get" it, but I'm embarrassed for them.
