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What do you say?

[ Edited ]

To those who lost their positions or jobs, all I can say is, 

Free at last , free at last, g_d almighty you're free at last!0EF4459D-2BEA-4045-ACB0-24C1D9A242BA.jpeg

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Re: What do you say?

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i would never say that to anyone, but i would wish them well on their new ventures and offer them support. 


they may be upset, sad, worried, anxious.......or they may feel the way you seem to think. i am definitely NOT going to presume to know how they are feeling at this moment.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@AlsaceGal   I can see Carolyn sitting on the beach enjoying her new life!



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@sunshine45   I didn't take her response at all that way!  Sounded to me Ike her comment about Carolyn and Dan was more about relaxing after all these years of working hard.  Freedom!  I would prefer to be upbeat than a downer.

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You mean you'd rather not focus on how they are going to replace that income now?  Nice!

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@Reilley wrote:

@sunshine45   I didn't take her response at all that way!  Sounded to me Ike her comment about Carolyn and Dan was more about relaxing after all these years of working hard.  Freedom!  I would prefer to be upbeat than a downer.




i did not take it that way at all......and hard work never hurt anyone.

who knows how they are feeling at this moment.

not everyone wants to sit on the beach and relax.

i am UPBEAT in that they will move forward and work hard at what THEY want to do with their lives from here on in......and it may not be sitting on a beach having a cocktail every day....or retiring at this point in their lives.


my comment was not meant to be a downer at all.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@AlsaceGal wrote:

To those who lost their positions or jobs, all I can say is, 

Free at last , free at last, g_d almighty you're free at last!0EF4459D-2BEA-4045-ACB0-24C1D9A242BA.jpeg

I don't think this is what Dr. King meant when he spoke those words.


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Re: What do you say?

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@qbetzforreal wrote:

@AlsaceGal wrote:

To those who lost their positions or jobs, all I can say is, 

Free at last , free at last, g_d almighty you're free at last!0EF4459D-2BEA-4045-ACB0-24C1D9A242BA.jpeg

I don't think this is what Dr. King meant when he spoke those words.





I agree with you 100%. I am disgusted with the misuse of Dr. King's words.






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Re: What do you say?

[ Edited ]

@AlsaceGal Many years ago I worked for the meanest, neastiest female attorney ever born. After a few months she fired me. (Found out later she did this a lot haha).


Driving home I said "Thank God I never have to go back there again."  By this time my DH had retired from the Air Force so we had more time together.


I later went back to work but to this day I recall what a horrible person she was.



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@DesertD Why should or would any of us worry about them replacing their income? Good grief.