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I saw a pair of shoes on the midnight airing of Clark's TSV.  Along with the TSV were a pair of shoes designed by Jane and Coco.  Is that Courtney???

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

@Daffney  Yes, that is her Nickname.

Posts: 24
Registered: ‎08-04-2015

Re: Nickname For Courtney???

Aren't they cute withthe nicknames.  Oh, also Court.  Don't forget....everyone wears an xxxxxs.  I mean come on.  Just describe the stuff and sell it.

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

Jane mostly uses "my Courtney."

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

Coco?   As in Coco Chanel?  If so, no comparison.

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

I have heard Coco used as a nickname for Courtney.  

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

I think in this case, it's spelled, "Coko" because it's a combination of her first and last names.

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

Maybe we - or they should call each other by their given names. Only those two play the nick-name game. It's childish in my opinion. 


If someone who doesn't really know me calls me by a shortened version of my name I correct them. Call me Susan, that is my name. I say Susan, they call me Sue - I HATE that.

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

AKA Rapunzel.

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Re: Nickname For Courtney???

@San Antonio Gal   Yes!  That's the name I think of for her.  The few seconds that I watch her, it seems that her hair is longer every time.  And I see other hosts "growing" their hair too!  I find it very funny!