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Re: More terrible weekend programming, Sat., May 3rd and Sun., May 4th....horribly boring !

On 5/4/2014 hope-Q said:
On 5/2/2014 stevieb said:
On 5/2/2014 tdog said:
On 5/2/2014 banjo said:

It's going to be a beautiful weekend here, warm and sunny, so I'll be outside most of the time enjoyng the day. Some of you sound like you have no life other than watching QVC. If something is on that you are not interested in, turn the TV off, and find something else to do or turn the channel.

I find these kinds of posts very condescending. Maybe the OP enjoys watching a little Q on the weekends. Does that mean she has no life, no hobbies, doesn't enjoy the outdoors, has no friends? Such an insulting comment. The Q's programming is horrendous almost every weekend so she vented about it. And the change the channel comments are just downright obtuse.


tdog, well you certainly took the bait ! Do you feel justified now ?

Everyone, except you obviously, knows that I was just kicking around QVC, like many others do weekly, about the stale and boring weekend shows that they never change. It's a big joke !

Trust me dahhhhhling, I have many more important things to do than watch the Q, even during weekdays. I usually just go online to get what I want, but I often keep it on when I am working on my computer.

But we do love to give the Q a hard time, and posts like mine do bring comments like yours out of the woodwork. Seems you guys just have to tell us off to make your day ! We don't mind, we always find you.

Normally it's "you can always change the channel" or "you can turn off the TV", or "why don't you do something else, nobody is forcing you to watch it" and always "get a life", etc. and other intelligent comebacks! You tickle us pink!

Thanks for being so predictable ! But you don't have to respond, we know why we do it !

All in a day's fun !

Have a great life, and don't be so harsh on people, makes you so terse and is short, have a little fun !

Enjoy your week ! Smile

So you're admitting trolling for reactions? Cheap thrills I guess.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Re: More terrible weekend programming, Sat., May 3rd and Sun., May 4th....horribly boring !

Saturday was great. I really enjoyed it. Sunday, not so much. I never watch on Sundays. They can't please everyone all of the time. We can't be entertained 24/7 by QVC. I'm glad of that. I have special shows I look forward to and heaven knows, I spend too much money. If everyday was so enticing to me, I'd be in trouble. I'm sure there is a segment of their viewing audience who look forward to the Sunday programming.

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Re: More terrible weekend programming, Sat., May 3rd and Sun., May 4th....horribly boring !

Hang in's going to get even worse. We have an all-food day coming up.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: More terrible weekend programming, Sat., May 3rd and Sun., May 4th....horribly boring !

On 5/4/2014 banjo said:
On 5/4/2014 stevieb said:

You forgot to add, 'read a book', 'volunteer', or just plain 'get a life' and yes, all those predictable responses are for the birds. You did, however, seem to mis-direct your last post, hope-Q. It reads to me as though "tdog" was defending your point of view to "banjo"...

I guess you think your opinion matters, but no one else's does???

Then your guess would be wrong...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: More terrible weekend programming, Sat., May 3rd and Sun., May 4th....horribly boring !

On 5/2/2014 banjo said:

It's going to be a beautiful weekend here, warm and sunny, so I'll be outside most of the time enjoyng the day. Some of you sound like you have no life other than watching QVC. If something is on that you are not interested in, turn the TV off, and find something else to do or turn the channel.

Wish we had that weather. Cold and gloomy weather here, so I don't feel like working outside.

Friday Night Beauty is about the only wknd programming I watch.

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Re: More terrible weekend programming, Sat., May 3rd and Sun., May 4th....horribly boring !

Sorry hope-Q that they didn't run their scheduling by you for approval. Goodness, between this and your other thread of what people can and cannot say, I am not seeing lots of hope....but I know where to look when I need a wet blanket. Smile Try to have a happy week! Perhaps turn off the Q if the schedule doesn't appeal to you and do something else like read a book or watch a few good movies? Just think of all the $$$ you will save. Silver lining....

ETA: Oh, and if you are going to suggest I get a life, I have one, have found more of it in the past couple weeks. Also, I am not watching the Q or any tv, since my dad died I had to terminate that account because it was under his name. Now, this makes no sense to me, but they say it is company policy and I went through a couple hours with several supervisors hashing it out... but we have/had Direct TV and they say when an account holder dies, they terminate the account, they are sending me boxes so I can return the receivers. Then if I wanted to sign up for my own service, they would come out and install new receivers.... does that seem absurd to anyone but just me???? I said no thanks, and called my local cable company, but best they can do for me is Friday install. So a week without television is quite liberating... at least I can catch up on some of the gossip from the tv shows here. Smile