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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

I love Marie's Body Gym and use it every other day. After only a short time I can see great improvement in my arms, chest and posture. I have many different kind of bands, but this bar/bands make it much easier to do resistance. I do all of her upper-body exercises.

I didn't care very much for the quality of her DVD. I went thru it once and never use it. I like the book much better. On a DVD, I prefer a class like structure with the teacher talking and leading and enough time to follow it. You cannot do that with her DVD.

I would recommend hers to anybody who wants to build up upper strength, which women lose muscle every decade. It's worth every penny to me. I just love it. 


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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

Years ago I got interested in the Pilates machine Margolin Brugman showed on QVC.  I called both QVC and Pilates direct and there were NO videos available with that machine.  I promptly lost interest and never have bought one.  Its all in the details, merchandise it correctly or don't bother trying to sell it. 

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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

@okaywitheasypay wrote:

@Debbyrg I was disappointed when she came out with a dvd that she was on after I had already purchased the one with the dvd that had other 'experts' on. I always like to watch an instructional dvd that acompanies exercise equipment through once before doing it. Well, I tried twice and nodded off each time. I agree that the decals are hard to see, but the booklet helps.


I found just watching her with others on QVC presentations more informative. There are some on you tube also. 


I have enjoyed using mine once I just started doing what I saw done on the presentations. I think it is well made and useful. I also have a "Chair gym" in one room and find I feel similar after using either. Whatever way one does it resistance is very useful to building muscle , which is vital to health and longevity.


@karol59 did you buy it at HSN ?


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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

used it a few times, i still have to really figure out how to do the lower body exercises... so far its ok, its something you have to keep up with.. i have to dedicate time to do it, i can be lazy lol 

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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

I love my Body Gym, and do the Upper body every other day. ITA with @bonnie f, the Lower Body exercises are very hard to do, so I just do the up & down hamstring exercises there. I walk and have a resistance step; figure that's enough there.

But the Upper Body alone is worth it to me. It works; resistance is good; results show quickly. 

Well worth the money to me. 




Posts: 29
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

I really like the Body Gym and use it often. I am not one for watching many videos, so I haven't watched the DVD at all. I like that the Body Gym is light and plastic. I want the weight in the band, not in the bar. A metal bar wouldn't be very convenient for travel, either.


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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

I agree about the DVD that came with my unit.  The guy kept looking away from the camera and having more than three folks showing how to use the bar is far too much. Either you like the bar or you don't. I do not like the bar. And I am not creating negativity in my own mind.  The bar will go to a donation center. 

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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

I heard Marie say it won some sort of prize for being good. No way. It's a poor DVD, and she should do another. This time with an instructor and follow along. I looked at the DVD once and put it away. 

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Re: I guess I expected too much from Marie Osmond and her BodyGym!

I never watched the DVD, in fact I think I got rid of it, but I have to agree with the OP that the Body Gym is made cheaply. I use the BG 4 times a week to increase my upper body strength and tone my arms and mid section. I'm getting good results, but the bar is getting loose at the connection and the bands are starting to lose their tension. I don't have the BG that long.