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Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

I was almost "shocked" on reading Carolyn was let go. Have never watched even one show of Dan's and know nothing about him. But Carolyn! I've seen her as a very valuable host and a perfect fit for D&Co. She has a lovely way of selling and has the ability to actually "help" the buyer, with size, fabric, colors, etc.

Carolyn has everything needed to be a good host and salersperson. I believe D&Co. will "suffer" a huge loss with her gone. 

I don't believe Carolyn's sales could possibly have been lower than many others. This I could understand, but I really do not believe this is why she was let go. 

Aside from being a excellent host, she is such a genuine person, while fakeness is seen all around her. 

Actually, this is one of the worst releases I've ever seen the Q do. That includes from LR and after.

I don't believe this release of Carolyn is going to be let go. The Q has made a mistake here....

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

@Georgiagrama The week after next program guide shows Tuesday Denim & Co show being hosted by Leah Williams.  


It would be wise for no one to jump to any conclusions about who will or will not replace Carolyn.  


Everyone breathe!  And allow QVC management the opportunity to run their business.  We are not privileged to know the whole story.

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Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

@Georgiagrama  I understand what you're saying and agree.  Denim and Company is not the line to be hosted by a skinny XX-Small host.  

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Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

I hope Denim &Co changes. Too much perfect jersey and french terry for my taste. 

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎08-01-2010

Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

I think Denim & Co. turned to ****** years ago...they should rename it Polyspan & Co. 


No host could influence me to buy any more of it and certainly not now.

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Posts: 14
Registered: ‎10-15-2020

Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

I have been reading posts for two days about Carolyn (and Dan) and the financial aspects of their lay-offs.  That is not my business, it is personal to both hosts.  To me, it is about taking two long time hosts & basically humiliating them for everyone to know and see.  It's different in a way then a non-public figure getting the pink slip.  Carolyn seemed very secure in her tenure at QVC, talking about a swimwear line she designed to be aired in April, I think, and other plans for her future hosting.  Those who watched her Live Streams, especially on Tues. with Gary, know this.  On Tues she said Gary & I will see you Sun. or something to that effect.  So the sudden lay-off, to me, is not about her losing a paycheck (although that is bad enough).  It is about how embarrassing and humiliating it is.  The manner in which this was done was beyond awful, and both hosts deserve better.  They seemed very invested in QVC and their roles. And they got tossed to the curb with no warning.

I am always buying from QVC but I join many others in saying I will buy little to nothing from them.  I may watch the hosts I like or get kitchen ideas, of which they have many.  But I will take the ideas elsewhere for the most part.  They don't deserve my loyalty as a customer after they way they treated Carolyn and Dan in my opinion.  They treat their hosts like trash, they become trash to many of us, I think.  We don't need QVC, they need us collectively & my loyalty is to Carolyn & Dan, not their corporation.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 116
Registered: ‎07-04-2014

Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

Hi, Just wanted to tell you that your comment was "beautifully" expressed and I agree "whole heartedly"!!!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,049
Registered: ‎03-05-2011

Re: Denim and Company will not be the same

@Maryrose828 wrote:

I have been reading posts for two days about Carolyn (and Dan) and the financial aspects of their lay-offs.  That is not my business, it is personal to both hosts.  To me, it is about taking two long time hosts & basically humiliating them for everyone to know and see.  It's different in a way then a non-public figure getting the pink slip.  Carolyn seemed very secure in her tenure at QVC, talking about a swimwear line she designed to be aired in April, I think, and other plans for her future hosting.  Those who watched her Live Streams, especially on Tues. with Gary, know this.  On Tues she said Gary & I will see you Sun. or something to that effect.  So the sudden lay-off, to me, is not about her losing a paycheck (although that is bad enough).  It is about how embarrassing and humiliating it is.  The manner in which this was done was beyond awful, and both hosts deserve better.  They seemed very invested in QVC and their roles. And they got tossed to the curb with no warning.

I am always buying from QVC but I join many others in saying I will buy little to nothing from them.  I may watch the hosts I like or get kitchen ideas, of which they have many.  But I will take the ideas elsewhere for the most part.  They don't deserve my loyalty as a customer after they way they treated Carolyn and Dan in my opinion.  They treat their hosts like trash, they become trash to many of us, I think.  We don't need QVC, they need us collectively & my loyalty is to Carolyn & Dan, not their corporation.

@Maryrose828   Best Comment on this subject.  Thank You