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Re: David Venable is disappearing!

@kimbobimbo wrote:





Losing weight is not a mystery. Throw out the junk. Smaller portions of healthy food. Walk.

I lost 20 lbs...weigh less than I did in college.

Excuses are the only thing stopping you.

Good heavens, it is NOT that simple for everyone,

Gosh, some people have MEDICAL reasons why they can't lose weight such as thyroid issues, low metabolism, certain medications etc.

Ease off!

Those you mentioned are a tiny minority. The vast majority of overweight

Obese Americans eat poorly and never exercise. That's just a fact.

Ah yes, it must be nice thinking you're an expert on everything.

You are very incorrect.  This was the information we were all lead to believe....even doctors.


Modern medicine has researched this and has found that there are many medical reasons and genetic ones as well that cause weight gain.  There are many articles found online about these issues.  


it is much more complicated than calories and excerise. Hopefully, in the future obesity will be a thing of the past for many people. 

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Re: David Venable is disappearing!

I am happy for David that he is taking his health seriously and is being successful. From the beginning of his weight loss and change of diet I wondered how his fans would percieve him on INKWD.  Lets face it, we all loved watching David enjoy his mac and cheese, etc.  His happy dance made everyone smile.  Now, he will talk about his weight loss journey and how his diet has changed; most of the things he loved are not on his new diet.  Did it change the dynamic of the show?  I wonder if he worried about that? If the QVC producers worried about that? Has viewership been affected?  I still watch but the show has also changed into gourmet food, the same old gadgets, and now that Holly and the Hot Chocolate comes up every time he is on.  Is he looking to go into show busness as his next career?  I like David and wish him well in health and life!  I also envy his dedication to sticking to his diet as it must have been a very difficult thing for him with his love of food.

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎05-23-2013

Re: David Venable is disappearing!


At this point with David selling many of the food items that are very unhealthy (based on ingredients) just feels very disingenuous.  I'm aware that salespeople are not considered the most genuine and trustworthy people but I would think it probably has become "challenging" for him to sell food items that he will no longer eat as they are unhealthy and not on his eating plan.  It's almost like if they're not "ok" enough for him to eat why should they be ok for anyone.


He reinforces that he only eats a bite and that's what everyone else can do as well but truly how many people can actually do that when they love something (and have spent a lot of money on it).


It might make more sense at this point to let Steve sell the food and David can sell gadgets and appliances.

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Re: David Venable is disappearing!

Good point.  These days, David is happy-dancing for "8 Greens" rather than Junior's Cheesecake and Grandma's Coffee Cake.

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Re: David Venable is disappearing!

The doctors must have given him the recommendation to "lose" it...his weight loss is very extreme.   But now when he dances, it doesn't take him as long to complete a spin, and he can talk more about the product and eliminate some time wasting antics. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 594
Registered: ‎10-22-2011

Re: David Venable is disappearing!

Yup...It's all relative.    I was a petite size 2.....I went up to sa size 8...I was MISERABLE...Don't tell me how many women would love to be a size 8 !!  I was NOT muself.  I had NO clothes to wear.   I was angry..   I am 67 years old.   I was depressed.  I never left the house.  I had a falied knee replacement...Food was my drug......Then one day.....I changed one thing........I stopped eating WHITE stuff......white bread, rice, pasta, easy for me because I am 100% Italian...The only white stuff I ate off that list was the pasta.... and yes delicious I suffered a little....i the beginning.....Kate Moss once sai..."Nothing taste as good as skinny feels ".....She's 67 I still feel that way !!!   Now I don't deprive myself anymore...but I eat this way MOST days......I am a petire size 4...and my clothes are loose....I amnot aiming for the size 2.....I am okay today..perhaps I am even better like this this......!!!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: David Venable is disappearing!

[ Edited ]

Back in the 90's, I had a plaque on my desk at work that said "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".

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Re: David Venable is disappearing!

@Carmie wrote:

@kimbobimbo wrote:





Losing weight is not a mystery. Throw out the junk. Smaller portions of healthy food. Walk.

I lost 20 lbs...weigh less than I did in college.

Excuses are the only thing stopping you.

Good heavens, it is NOT that simple for everyone,

Gosh, some people have MEDICAL reasons why they can't lose weight such as thyroid issues, low metabolism, certain medications etc.

Ease off!

Those you mentioned are a tiny minority. The vast majority of overweight

Obese Americans eat poorly and never exercise. That's just a fact.

Ah yes, it must be nice thinking you're an expert on everything.

You are very incorrect.  This was the information we were all lead to believe....even doctors.


Modern medicine has researched this and has found that there are many medical reasons and genetic ones as well that cause weight gain.  There are many articles found online about these issues.  


it is much more complicated than calories and excerise. Hopefully, in the future obesity will be a thing of the past for many people. 

She is CORRECT. Medical reasons and genetic ones are an EXCUSE.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 239
Registered: ‎08-17-2015

Re: David Venable is disappearing!

he can disappear from QVC for a while. The shows are the same thing over and over.  A kitchen show should show cooking and recipes, he does neither.  Anyone can sell cooking gadgets.  QVC has really gone down hill.  

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,463
Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: David Venable is disappearing!

@jonbon wrote:





Losing weight is not a mystery. Throw out the junk. Smaller portions of healthy food. Walk.

I lost 20 lbs...weigh less than I did in college.

Excuses are the only thing stopping you.

Good heavens, it is NOT that simple for everyone,

Gosh, some people have MEDICAL reasons why they can't lose weight such as thyroid issues, low metabolism, certain medications etc.

Ease off!

Those you mentioned are a tiny minority. The vast majority of overweight

Obese Americans eat poorly and never exercise. That's just a fact.

And there are many other things that factor into whether a person can successfully lose weight and maintain the loss -- social/cultura/life circumstances, psychological issues, etc. If it were easy, you wouldn't see so many people who truly want to lose weight struggle so mightily with it (many for their whole lives). For some, it takes an incredible amount of mental energy and regimented, constant attention to what they eat, and it is very easy to get "burned out." I have family members who struggle with weight, and I have nothing but empathy and compassion for them


When my doc put me on thyroid medication, I lost10 lbs. and was shocked because I hadn't paid attention to what I was eating. Now I'm down a total of about 20 lbs. and I can stop watch every calorie. But I know I'd better be careful because those 20 lbs. could easily come back.