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Sorry to see CK with JRT all the time and not on Saturday night with Kim G.  Noticing alot of changes with Hosts lately ~ especially the hair and glasses and nails on SK.  Yet, Studio Park is just a rehash of D&Co and seems all the new "brands" are simply the same with new names assigned ..... I love to watch, just can't seem to want to buy anything.  

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I have an idea. Why don't they put Courtney K back on with Kim on Saturday night and put Rachel with JRT. I never watch SK. Just don't understand her or her sense of humor

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It's been a night of pure torture watching these two (Rachel and Kim) ... Rachel is just so obnoxious with her singing and screeching.  I don't get why she keeps breaking out in her singing routines and doesn't even know the words to the songs.

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i am enjoying it Smiley Happy

~~who/what is responsible for your joy? YOU!~~
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The reality is Kim does not require a host she has this thing down and is a pro.  But being in GA it is harder to show the products or colors (granted many times colors in studio are not accurate either), but they feel a host is necessary. I liked her with Pat during the day when she had a Tsv but that's about it.  Some people are a snooze and do not come close to her energy level, but then others almost try to outdo her for some reason (over-working their southern accents or acting body positive when they have never before). I like her products and her message and she seems like a fun lady. I just don't know that there is a perfect partner for her in studio.

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@ajsidney12 wrote:

The reality is Kim does not require a host she has this thing down and is a pro.  But being in GA it is harder to show the products or colors (granted many times colors in studio are not accurate either), but they feel a host is necessary. I liked her with Pat during the day when she had a Tsv but that's about it.  Some people are a snooze and do not come close to her energy level, but then others almost try to outdo her for some reason (over-working their southern accents or acting body positive when they have never before). I like her products and her message and she seems like a fun lady. I just don't know that there is a perfect partner for her in studio.

Let me just compliment the lovely plus-sized models and tell them how beautiful they look while reminding you every 5 minutes that "I'm in my usual QVC size - the XXSmall..."

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I like Courtney with Kim & miss her.
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I record Kim's shows on Saturday nights and I think she's great with CK.  They have great chemistry together and they both do a nice job explaining the items being presented.


I was also disappointed to see Rachel on with Kim last night.  I have noticed that she has been on with her a lot (at different times).  Rachel seems to genuinely like Kim's clothes as well, but I'm not a huge fan of hers.


I forwarded through the whole show, so I didn't hear any mention of Courtney.  Maybe she is away or was just off last night?  Hopefully this change is temporary.  Regardless, it won't stop me recording the shows. I just won't watch them live if I'm around at that time...

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I recall hearing CK responding to a caller who said she missed CK with Kim.  CK responded with a Ty and that it was simply a scheduling change ~ so I took it to mean it was a QVC decision.  

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Courtney K et al

[ Edited ]

I wish they could go back to having Kim solo and her BFF, Amy doing the social media.........I used to enjoy watching Courtney but now she gets too silly and self focused....she only goes through colors over and over and very little info on the clothing otherwise, but we do hear all about vacations and song favorites...🙄  Except for the bursting into the Bon Jovi tune (initiated by a caller), I thought Rachel did decent....The shows I won't watch Rachel or ANY host do for that matter are the food shows.....

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